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Ask for help > kids colony - leisure camp
kids colony - leisure camp
kids colony - leisure camp
hello teachers!
In the school were I work we are having a colony for the kids as we are on holidays here in Brazil. I really need some ideas on what to do with them.
I mean, I know I should make this an enjoyable experience with games and songs, but can u please give me some ideas??? My DOS wants the kids to make something to take home everyday - they´re not sleeping in the school , it´s only in the afternoon.
tks a lot! |
5 Jul 2009
if you have some recycle materials, children can create some paintings, boxes, etc.
5 Jul 2009
How about making masks in paper mach�? Blow up a balloon and start wrapping newspaper strips dipped in glue around the balloon. Let dry. Next day add a few more layers - and so on. When it is thick enough, the kids can cut the mask in half and start painting them. Then write a play using these masks. It �s a lot of fun and the kids are part of the whole process.
5 Jul 2009
Get some cheap white T-shirts and fabric paint - the students can design them and then you could have a fashion show at the end of the day.
Create board games using English - maybe they could have questions in some squares in/about English and if they answer correctly they move on and if they answer incorrectly they move backwards.
Perhaps a treasure hunt with stickers so when they find all the clues they have a complete set of stickers to take away.
We �re doing a summer school in Spain in the mornings and doing work in class to build towards a project at the end of the week. So the students do some "proper" classwork first thing and then something fun, project-related after the break. Send me a PM if you want to know what other projects we �re doing...
5 Jul 2009