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Ask for help > When do the children star learning English as a Foreing Language in your country?
When do the children star learning English as a Foreing Language in your country?
Good morning! In Italy children officially start learning English at the age of six when they go to Primary school even though quite a few have English lessons at Kindergarten too.
8 Jul 2009
In Denmark they begin in grade 3. They have two weekly lessons which goes for grade 4, too. When attending grade 5 they will have three weekly lessons. Until they leave school after grade nine they will be taught three weekly lessons. If you ask me, I would like the number of lessons to increase.
Have a nice July day whereever you are.
8 Jul 2009
In Tunisia, as it was a French colony, students start learning French before Eng. I n the past, sts studied Eng at the age of 16. Recently, there has been a change to focus on Eng as an important lg. Now, sts start learning it at the age of 11 in public school but in private school it �s at 6 years. I think they are so lucky. |
8 Jul 2009
Japan is not my country by birth but I have been here for the last ten years.
As far as the school system goes kids WILL start to have mandatory English classes starting from 5th and 6th grade. English education (which is unfortunately mostly rote memorization, grammar and writing) is taught intensively until kids graduate from High School. As far as when kids actually begin learning English well, It is quite common for parents to enroll their children in special "English conversation schools" known as "Eikaiwa" or to take private lessons from a native speaker of English as early as 2 years old. I would say it is fairly common. Yet for some reason the general population of Japan is not very well known for being very good speakers of English in relation to other countries. Especially when you consider how much time is spent studying it! On a side note to my knowledge there is NO public (and possibly even private) school in the entire country here that offers ANY other foreign language besides English. It is usually only when kids get to university can they then elect to study other languages besides English. Hope that helps! |
8 Jul 2009
Hi from Turkey. Unfortunately in Turkey foreign language teaching starts a bit later.It starts with 4th graders i.e. when the students are at the age of 10.It �s mandatory.But of course in the private schools it begins in the kindergartens. |
8 Jul 2009
In Lithuania the first foreign language is mandatory from the 2nd grade (8 years). Schools can choose from English, German or French. Usually it is English. Pupils have 2 weekly lessons. They have 3 lessons from the 5th grade. From the 6th grade they start learning the second foreign language. |
8 Jul 2009
In poland all kids start learning a foreign language (usually english) at the age of 7 (1st grade of primary school). some of the schools teach english also in pre-school groups (5-6). in private schools it �s usually as early as possible (3 years old). At the begining they have lessons twice a week (1 lesson is 45 min). the second foreign language is introduced when kids are about 10 (i �m not sure since i teach in a tiny school and we have only english).
hugs from poland
martyna |
8 Jul 2009
Well, in France, it all depends on the school. Theoritically speaking, all kids in second year in primary are supposed to start a language. But it may be any between German, Italian, Spanish or English depending on what language the primary teacher feels at ease with. It goes that way until the end of primary school four years later. When they start high school, they can keep the language they learnt in primary or turn to English. In some high schools like the one I �m teaching in they can have 2 languages in first year in high school which they will keep until the end which means four years plus three in higher high school until the "baccalaur�at" which is the exam just before university level. If they have only one language in first year in high school, they will have to take a second one in third year : if they chose English a first foreign language they can generally choose between the others ; if they chose another language, they must take English. Which means that some pupils start English at the age of 6 or 7, others at 11 and others at 13.... Quite hard to follow when you �re not part of it !!! Hugs from rainy Dounoux, France |
8 Jul 2009
When I went to primary school (not so long ago, I �m 20) I started to study English when I was nine, but when I did my practicum subjects at university I taught English to 3-year-olds, and as far as I know in all primary schools it is the same way. SS start at 3. |
8 Jul 2009
In Romania learning English is optional till 3rd grade (kids start school here at the age of 6 -7). Primary grades are 1-2-3-4. It is also optional in preschool. My daughter is her second year at preschool and she is learning English at her kindergarden. Preschool means age 3 to 6/7.
Everybody here wants to learn English, so most schools teach it at this optional level. Then it becomes compulsory starting from the 3rd grade. There are cases in which French or German is introduced as compulsory study in the 3rd grade. Anyway, in primary school kids are taught only ONE foreign language. Starting with secondary school (grades 5-8) a second foreign language is introduced.
On the whole, English is on the top of the list of preferences!
Gabitza |
8 Jul 2009
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