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Can anybody tell me WHY everyday THERE ARE SO MANY STOLEN WORKSHEETS in the recent contributions !!!!!!
I see that day after day moderators report piles of stolen worksheets made by vanda, Alenka, Kita, Jecika, etc, etc. Besides, ESLprintables may become a branch of ego4u. mes english, english4u, enchanted english etc etc if it wasn �t for the hard work of moderators. In addition, copying and pasting is a constant here.
Sorry to post this issue again but I �m amazed with such behaviour and tendency at present. |
11 Jul 2009
Maybe because people sometimes choose the easy way to get what they want even if it �s not the nicest way? Beats me...
11 Jul 2009
David Lisgo
This site has 195950 registered users, but I would estimate that only about 15% of users have points and far fewer have the necessary 30 points or more for regular downloads. In Japan about 11% of members have points, but less than 3% have 30 points or more. You can check the figures by researching individual countries in the "Search Users".
I think that it takes years of practice to regularly come up with popular worksheets and the majority of users have neither the time, patience nor ability to make these worksheets. Of course the ability does come through time and patience.
It must be something to do with the instant gratification which is so much part of modern society. The gratification of reaching 30 or more points through your own efforts is a wonderful thing, but the pleasure that one receives when reaching this milestone through dishonest means is but fleeting. If I download a worksheet and then find that it was stolen, then I feel sullied. Of course, we are all human and none of us perfect, but there are so many fine people belonging to ESLPrintables who are daily giving us exemplary examples of self-sacrifice and service to others. It makes one proud to be a member.
11 Jul 2009
It �s hard to say anything negative about this site. It �s a shame that some people are that desperate to earn points and would even consider uploading something that was not of their own. I imagine in many cases it was not deliberate act but something not clearly thought through.
This place is amazing. The worksheets the teachers upload are for the most part very good and I have to be honest when I say, I have become addicted to downloading my 30 sheets per day to the point that I haven �t missed a day in nearly three weeks.
Keep up the good work everyone!
11 Jul 2009
Dear Damielle I �ve also noticed that most of those who "steal, beg, borrow,copy and scan" are not regulars here on the board. So probably most of us here have no idea why they do this! Hugs L
11 Jul 2009
I don �t understand! We know that the first rule we teach to our students, young or older, is to respect the others and what belongs to them. How can a teacher steal? Is he/she a real teacher? It �s sad, but I agree with David when he says that it is something to do with "instant gratification": some people nowadays want everything �, here and now, without any efforts! But we recognize who works hard and we are grateful to them. Thank you.
11 Jul 2009