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Ask for help > "THE BIRTH OF FEMINISM"
I am doing a Bachelor�s degree in English Language and for my final Cultural Studies paper I wrote on FEMINISM but my teacher didn�t like my paper so I have to write it again. The question is: Do you know where can I find more information about this topic ( FEMINISM in the past)?
Once again, thanks a lot for being there.
By the way, if any of you is a Cultural Studies teacher and is interested in checking my paper and giving me some advice I�d be really grateful.
Hugs, pfreites |
14 Jul 2009
Dear pfreites,
Did you go to Lincoln Library? It used to be at ICANA �s offices in Downtown. Many years ago, I had to write a paper on slavery in USA and Brazil (I �ve written it before the internet era) and there was plenty of information there. May be you are as lucky as I was.
Marinett |
14 Jul 2009
The question also should be does your teacher believe the myth that feminism has only been around since the 1960 �s women �s revolution, the late 19th century. Or does she know that it was before that, that is just had a variety of names. The History of Feminism is a decent book which does if I remember correctly touch base on some of the earlier forms of Feminism.
Personal view on it just like the anti-racist groups like NAACP have in the most part made it racist to all others and forgotten the real reasons for it �s start and what they stood for. Their leadership are more concerned about taking bribes and making loads of money off of suppression and separations than exacting any real change. But it was learned many centuries back that an unified society makes the government and elite weak with the power in the common man �s hands (Man meaning women and men.) So you might add to the end of your report will there ever really be true equality for all when those in charge of those group, elite and governments do not want true equality because of fears of losing their powers over the common persons.
Some names:
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the Marquis de Condorcet
Mary Wollstonecraft �s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792)
Emmeline Pankhurst
first women �s rights convention at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848
Egyptian jurist Qasim Amin, the author of the 1899 pioneering book Women �s Liberation (Tahrir al-Mar �a), as the father of Arab Feminist Movement
Emma Goldman
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Margaret Sanger.
15 Jul 2009
If your looking for something from 19th to 20th century try this:
15 Jul 2009
alien boy
You could probably also contact these people:
& this is an interesting article about a recent find in England:
& here �s a little about women �s rights in Australia - it may have a few interesting links too:
If I come across some good journals I �ll let you know.
15 Jul 2009