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Help with Literature
Help with Literature
Hi dear teachers!
I �m sitting for my final exam in Literature (at University) and I �m not seeing my teacher up to one week before the exam...(thanks swine flu! ) so I need your help.
Can you tell me the differences between the novel and the short story? I have google them but the results I �ve found are only about lenght
Please, I really appreciate your help!
18 Jul 2009
Short stories tend to be less complex than novels. Not only because of their length but also beacuse, usually, a short story focuses on only one incident, has a single plot, a single setting, a small number of characters, and covers a short period of time. Whereas novels usually have several characters (taking into account the primary and secondary characters) , more than one set, and most of them cover a long period of time. At least, novels cover a longer period of time than short stories. In most novels, there are usually a main plot and several sub-plots. This is just my definition because I couldn �t find a good one to help you. Mariam! |
18 Jul 2009
Very useful!!! thanks a lot guys! |
18 Jul 2009