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= ( what īs going on????

= ( what īs going on????
Hi, guys!!! I īve been reading these past few days comments about the viruses caught from this site, and actually I had been having a lot of problems uploading any worksheet. After reading about the viruses, I ran my antivirus, it detected 2 trojans, and after that, I was able to upload my worksheet yesterday. However, I checked today, to see if it was loaded, and it doesn īt appear anywhere under "New Contributions" or under the topic of the worksheet... It īs weird īcause I haven īt gotten the points for it, but in my profile, under "My printables"... I can see that it has one download. It īs not about the points, but it īs a little discouraging all these virus issues!!!
Hmmm!!! what īs happeningggggg?????? |
22 Jul 2009

You have uploaded that worksheet with the date "21th July, so it īs going to appear in recent contributions after 12 p.m. Spanish time. The download it already has may have been done before that. |
22 Jul 2009

MMM that īs strange, because actually I uploaded it yesterday, Monday July 20th. that īs why I checked 24 hours later... oh well, thanks for your reply!!!
22 Jul 2009

Have you considered the different time areas? Maybe you uploaded your worksheet after 12 p.m. Spanish time, when recent contributions appear. |
22 Jul 2009

Damielle, I think you mean 12AM. 12PM is noon.
22 Jul 2009

You are right, Mr Spagman!!! |
22 Jul 2009