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Ask for help > Not again!!!
Not again!!!
pcafer (F)
Not again!!!
Hi Victor
This is the 2nd time (yesterday it also happened) that I try to download my 30 ws and this message appears saying that there is an error and that I can�t do it because the site doesn�t exist!! Is this usual? At the same time my downloads number decreases!!! Is this happening to anyone else?
Can�t you do anything?
Thanks a lot!
17 Sep 2008
Hello. Pcafer. It�s Natal1a. I send one more reply to your problem as I have a similar one. I don�t manage to download. There is a note that the file can be infected and the system does not recommend to download it though sometimes it works perfectly. I wonder if you have managed to solve the problem? |
19 Sep 2008