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Games, activities and teaching ideas > What īs your best Dracula sentence?
What īs your best Dracula sentence?
What īs your best Dracula sentence?
I recently set my advanced class the following activity: Write ten sentences involving Dracula, either explicitly or implicitly, that comform to the following criteria:
Your sentences must be written to a particular level and should only use the grammar, vocabulary and understanding of English concepts, available at that level.
(Beginner) 1 Sentence involving Dracula in some way. (Pre-Intermediate) 1 Sentence involving Dracula .............. (Intermediate) 2 Sentences ............................ (Upper Intermediate) 2 Sentences ............................. (Advanced) 4 Sentences ........................ Some of my favourites included:
** One or two were submitted by teachers at my school
Dracula goes to school everyday. Dracula lives in a big house. Dracula is nihilism personified. As the dying embers cast a shadow on the classroom wall, I sank my teeth into the teacher īs jugular. Dracula likes to party hearty. I went on a double date with Dracula but I īll spare you the gory details. Me and Dracula grew up in the projects. Dracula lived in coffin and didn īt like garlic. Dracula īs portfolio was unaffected by the financial crisis. I am Dracula.
Join the fun - post your favourite Dracula sentence. Multiple submissions encouraged :-)
1 Aug 2009
Dracula always says" I īm going to suck your blood"! I guess it is often cocktail hour at Castle Dracula!
1 Aug 2009
Carla Horne
Are you sure the student who wrote the third sentence needs an ESOL teacher? That concept is definitely from a gifted student, whom we would distinguish from an advanced student at my school.
1 Aug 2009
Graffiti version:
Dracula sux |
1 Aug 2009
I love Dracula! Dracula is a myth.
1 Aug 2009
miss K.
There is a real person behind Dracula so it īs not completely made up. But people think differently on that subject.
But this exercise sounds fun! But why use such a disgusting character as Dracula? Why not to use a more attractive character in this case! |
1 Aug 2009