Pinky Makus
Tongue Twister Challenge!
I challenge you to make a tongue twister with your name (or ESL Printables Name). I want to see what you come up with.
This is an idea I had to use in the classroom. Children can write tongue twisters with their own names and then make a game with them. They can challenge each other and see who can read them without making a mistake. :)
Let me try....
Pinky �s purple pansies were perfect in the parade in Princeton.
2 Aug 2009
Zailda and Zora went to the zoo to see the zebra and the zookeeper with zero in ESL read a Zorro magazine.
Wow, that �s difficult! Wouldn �t it be better to make it with our country �s name?
2 Aug 2009
Giovanni gives a gleeful giggle when she googles gifs to greet the great gang on this groovy global site.
Nice idea Pinky for a class activity. Thanks. |
2 Aug 2009
Liberty loves little lizards living lazily in Laos!
2 Aug 2009
Judge Jayho jumps for joy when jolly Jim jiggles the jellybean jar
different letter yet same phonetic sound/symbol
Judge Jayho jumps for joy when giant Jim and his gentle giraffe joyfully jiggle the jellybean jar
2 Aug 2009
Pinky Makus
Keep them coming! I wonder who can use the most words?
2 Aug 2009
Charming Charmed One chops cherries, cheese, chicken and chocolate, choosing chunks to cherish with the cheering challenging Chinese children who are the checkers and chess chubby champions.
Great idea, Pinky!! |
2 Aug 2009
Fsams fames flames for fuming fury in flam festival. Sounds creepy???? Isnt it??�
2 Aug 2009
manonski (f)
Mellow Manon meets magical Mena on a misty morning at the memorable modern museum of Mmakaunyane.
I swear Mmakaynyane is a real place. It �s in Africa. I don �t know if it has a museum. |
3 Aug 2009
Fiona finds fabulous French friends in France.
3 Aug 2009
Lana lazily leaned over her laptop, looked at the illuminated Nile, lent Linny a lira, knealt and looked for Lina �s lunettes: lunettes were nailed to an old mouldy landscape, full of loony lenses and lonely nulls. |
3 Aug 2009