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Skype teaching?
Skype teaching?
Is this easy to get used to?? Ive been asked to do it, and although my initial thought was no, I am trying to be less afraid of the unkown, and try new things!!
Plus, people have been known to say its easier than travelling (cheaper too I imagine!!)
Any thoughts/tips/experiences??
2 Aug 2009
Teaching via Skype is great! Try it. You will like it. As you mention, you stay at your computer, so you have no travel costs or time to consider.
As long as you and the student both have the same material, you discuss it in the same way as you would in class. You can reference sites... both connecting to the site at the same time and discussing the work. You use your text area of Skype as your black/white board. Sound files are easily sent, or you can make sure your student has the cd or dvd you �re working with. I set listening exercises as homework and do the comprehension or discussion during the lesson.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to pm me : )
3 Aug 2009
The most important question - how do you get paid? |
3 Aug 2009
I�m very interested in this new trend...maybe we could " arrange a class" with Tint and become students for some minutes What do you think? With Skype... can we work with more than one student at the same time?
THanks in advance! |
3 Aug 2009
Hi tint I�m interested too. As newuser07 said could we try a maybe 10 minute class just to see how it works out. I think it�ll be useful since I must learn new tools to get ahead in teaching english. SWo if u don�t mind could we agree some spare time pls. Looking forward to hearing from u soon . thanks in advance
[email protected]
19 May 2010