Hi, LadyBird.
Really, good idea that of the "Teacher �s Caf�". Since the post dont stay on the server; it can �t be of any harm.
Still, no one said that advertising is bad. Everyone does this for a reason that may be acceptable. But, doing so whatever the reason is, is giving someone an advantage against others.
Our concern is to give everybody the same opportunies. That �s all. Especially the new members and WS.
If you come across an old WS that nobody noticed all just few people did, there is no harm as long as not all people start doing the same. But pointing some of today �s WS, I think, is unfair in that way we are advantaging one against the others.
Our first reaction when we log in the site is to browse through the recent contributions, isn �t it? And if a WS is noticeable it won �t pass unseen. Right?
As an example, I uploaded a WS yesterday, and it has already got enough downloads and comments without being pointed by anyone. There are enough people checking the recent contributions everyday.
Take care.