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It takes a village to raise a child
It takes a village to raise a child
I love this saying because the village is everyone here and the child is our beloved ESL site and messageboard.
How can we all contribute to make this site a wonderful place for all of us?
By abiding with a few simple rules. Rules are usually made to make sure everyone is seen and heard. That everyone has a voice and a right to their opinion. That no one gets hurt.
These simple rules are: Be polite in word and deed Be helpful Respect the differences we have socially, culturally and economically. Show an act of kindness (when needed and also when not asked) Don �t steal or plagiarize. Say thank you- it just might make someone �s day. Know the rules This is a sharing site - so share, share, share!
These rules aren �t any different from the rules every civilized society has to make it function - so why not here?
Have a happy day or night all you wonderful teachers. Remember - you all do make a difference. Libertybelle
6 Aug 2009
Hi, dear friends and teachers.
I just want to make some comments regarding the topic raised yesterday and today about the site and the new members.
--- This website is special and it is the spirit of sharing what makes it special.
--- This website is also an example of the importance of effort, sacrifice and hard work, which seems to be so "forgotten" these days, at least among some young people in many parts of the world. (nowadays people want to get things very fast and straight away, without time or effort!) It �s not THAT difficult to get 30 points. And downloading 30 worksheets every day is a real treat, considering the quality and diversity of the work that is offered every day!
--- This website (as it is) is of great help for new teachers in terms of "widening" and "changing" their conception of teaching. (as it has happened to me). Any ideas to improve this aspect will be great, but it is the teacher �s will and determination to improve and learn what really counts. Leaving the site because you have to create, learn, improve, upload and share is terrible.
--- This website is an example of generosity in the sense that the fact of sharing such great worksheets or helping people in many different situations is in itself a most generous act.
--- This website belong to V�ctor, it belong to him and members are in it only because they want to and accept the rules as they are.
I understand there are many different points of view, lifestyles, situations, etc. but it �s a great site, a great community, and a great help for all types of teachers! So let �s take care of it!
6 Aug 2009
Hi Libertybelle,
I agree with what you say, it �s like a big family here, the contributors do a fantastic job uploading and sharing their work. As for the rules, yes, we abide by many, at times more difficult rules in today �s modern & civilized society. The rules here aren �t that difficult, also they �re simply common sense.
Take care to you and all the other generous teachers & happy uploading/contributing!
ranclaude |
6 Aug 2009
If I can add something here, it would the following. First, I don �t think that it would be wise to touch the 30 points option. it is the soul of the site. It the secret to its success.
Second, and following you post Liberty, we should all abide to some rules for the sake of avoiding confusion and misunderstandings. It is so basic that we should normally not even talk about hrer. But the rules in the site are already here.
I don �t think we need more rules. The only thing is that some of them have to be made more clear and precise in order to avoid causing harm to some people �s work which can lead to what some people are taking as an argument to change or remove some rules. That is the loss of friendship, cooperation and generosity.
For me there are 2 or 3 rules that need to be clarified. One is already made clear by Victor. It is the one concerning advertising one �s or others � WS. Another one that Victor promised to make clear is the one concerning the use L1 in some WS. (but we are still waiting because he couldn �t have the time he has so much to do or he forgot about it. he is huma after all) To what extent should we accept it. Or should we definitely not accept any L1 in the WS. The other one is that concerning stolen/copied WS. For which we have just to find a fair and just answer to the following question. What is a stolen WS? And the answer should be of common agreement of course. The last is the one about the layout. What kind of layout should be considered as personal and not to be copied unless we have the permission of its designer.
Some may say I am in contradiction with what I said in some previous post. Not at all. Concerning the newcomers I meant mainly let �s give them what some people suggested and wait and see if it would change some thing to those who from time to time burst in the site with their rude and impolite behaviour and language.
Thanks a lot.
6 Aug 2009
Thank you so much dear libertybelle! You couldn �t have chosen a better metaphor to describe what I feel - It is us, the members, together with victor that can make this site better.
I love the site the way it is and I am really happy to be part of this wonderful community, but there is always place for improvement. So, for me the challenge is to find a way to make more members active. To do so, we must find what makes thousands and thousands of members register and then leave for good. When we find the answer, I �m sure we will come up with some feasible ideas to encourage them to stay with us.
Anyway, while we look for the answer, we can and should follow libertybelle �s simple rules that will help us to make the difference...
Wish you all a good night/day,
mena |
6 Aug 2009
Dear Libertybelle,
You always speak words of wisdom!!! You �re right about the rules!
We all should abide by the rules or we will feel insecure and confused. But, it �s sometimes necessary to bend the rules to achieve improvement and progress, in my opinion. In our case, we need to so that more and more new members feel more active and share their work.
What matters in the very end is tolerance and respect , in order that this very wonderful community survives.
Have a great day,
Nebal |
6 Aug 2009
Yes, Liberty...
you �re completely right:)
Have a good day |
6 Aug 2009