So, this is what we�re talking about today! Do you really mean odd English?
Collected some from my American nephew and friends� sentences on Facebook, for you, in case you need more:
The oddest:
Eldest nephew, 32, military, just came from Iraq, also very creative, about to publish, hope with a good editor...Aquarium, just like auntie, by the way: 5th February, pm or caf�, please,thank you):
Paul Dixon New lcd tv in the den, so I �m officially a part of the 21st century. Now all I need is to get that 58 incher when I redeploy. (still working on this one)
Paul Dixon still enjoying family time, but I know that flight back is looming right around the corner
Medium odd
Charlie Cutajar (youngest nephew, 21, mediterranean looks, just like his father, family origin: Malta) Dude hurry your ass over so you can help me with Phobia. :) She �s gonna be freaking killer at the end of the week. I LOVE YOU
Hillary Bruck Dixon (Paul�s wife, commenting on Vivian, her daughter) she does favor lulu when she was wee, doesn �t she? (NOT AT ALL, I say, she looks after me sis)
Lindsey Bruck (Hill�s sis)I want to squeeze Midge for your Birthday!!!!
Ryan Bruck (Hill�s bro)HPPY BDAY SIS
M.H. (Hillary�s friend, woman)HAPPY BDAY HILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We �ll get a belated date with you, me and Tiff hopefully soon!!!!:) Hope you are enjoying the family, ♥ the pick!!! Xoxo (meaning kissy-kissy?, still wonder )
M. H. (Hillary�s friend, woman) Happy Birthday Hilly! Enjoy your vaca (this word means cow in Portuguese, they don�t work on a farm, they live in Charlotte NC!) and ur hubby and skittle (my grandniece �s name is Vivian)
The normal one
Alissa Jennes-Pereira (middle nephew�s wife) We are all ok now. We had a few cold/flus here and there and then John(auntie�s most charming nephew, the MOST normal one, no page on facebook, which means more normal than auntie herself)just got over food poisioning-fun times =) We miss you too. We have a shutterfly website that we post all of her pics on. Did we send you the site address? Old age =) How are all of you? How is your husband doing since the wreck?
and I thought Portuguese was slippingthegrumblesewage...
Thank you Anita, for suggesting such an interest topic.