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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > i need some assistance
i need some assistance
i need some assistance
Hello there! well I do not write here a lot, but i have contributed as well. The thing is that I �m teaching here in chile and we have a system that the ministery of education has and is called "Teaching assesment"(evaluacion docente) in which they evaluate you; you have to create a module of 8 hours (that is writen) and another module in which you will be filmed and is in this module in which i need some help with the planning, and is in september at that time i will be teaching prepositions, so i need help to plan a more that excellent class i need activities for my students to learn, they are 45 students with elementary level, just a few of them (like 4) understand instructions in english, the basic thing is that i have to prove that i �m giving the chance to learn to all my students that �s why i need activities... if you wanna help me please do it, i �m kind of desperate thank you very much!!
19 Aug 2009
manonski (f)
I don �t know your situation but when I teach prepositions, I usually do a scavenger hunt in the classroom and the corridors around my classroom. The other teachers know about that and they have permission to send a student back if they are too noisy.
I hide letters everywhere and if they pick the right ones, it spells a secret message. |
19 Aug 2009
but that activity works.. the thing is that i just have 40 minutes and my students must learn preposition in that time...because i have to mark the moments pre while and post |
19 Aug 2009
manonski (f)
Ok.... Could you have them play some kind of Bingo with a partner where they have to say out loud where they place their Xs and Os? You lesson could include some modeling, playing with a student and then placing them with a partner.
Just a thought... |
19 Aug 2009
ok thank you for you activity manoski |
19 Aug 2009
I use a can and some funny toy, like a California Raisin. I tell them the different prepositions and then put the raisin in that position (in the can, under the can etc..). Once the class has learned the different preps, we play "Pass the Pig". I have a stuffed pig that I pass around the room and when I say stop the person holding the pig has to stand and say where the raisin is. The funny thing is watching the kids sigh a relief when they DON �T get chosen. lol Try to find something that will make them laugh. It �s hard to dislike a teacher who makes you laugh.
19 Aug 2009
hester steyn
Hi there.
I am teaching for grade 2 learners in South Africa. They struggling with a language barrier.
It is black learners only with african languages as home language. What I do is.
I give each one an action like Mpho you sit on your chair.
Sipho sit on top of your table. Kevin stand in the dustbin . It is practical for them. They understand it better. I did send an very easy worksheet that I use for my learners. Only basic prepositions. Oh yes, don, t do too many at once. Rather do a lot of repetition.
Let me know how it did go.
Heloise Steyn |
19 Aug 2009
Perhaps you could put a pile of stuff (classroom objects - a bag, a pencil case, a fluffy toy, a balloon, a book, apples, etc. just some basic stuff) and tell them you �ve made a mess of things and can �t find sth, so you ask them to help you. (If the classroom is small, you can just use flashcards or magazine pics of things and paste them on the board in a pile.) Then ask them questions - e. g. what �s under the bag? What �s between the book and the pencil case? or questions like Where is the book? (and have them answer using prepositions). This is not difficult to score, because you score each answer.
As the second part of the lesson, you can use a prepositions ws, or even write the pile description on the board with the prepositions missing, and have sts copy it, adding prepositions in the blanks.
For the final part, you can divide them into groups, and tell them they �ll have to reorder your pile but exactly as you tell them to. Then tell a st to put the bag under the table. Once done, they have to say it: �Now the bag is under the table. � to get the point. Then a st from the other group: �Put the pencil in your friend �s pocket. �, etc. Prepare enough items, or move some items several times (e. g the bag can be put under the table, then behind the teacher, then on the table) etc.
This game can be played with all sorts of pictures - I once played it using animal flashcards and had a little mouse hold the elephant on his shoulders, etc. It can be fun, it �s not too difficult, and it �s all about prepositions.
Anita |
19 Aug 2009
If you are talking about Prepositions of Place then - use something clear- like a plastic box (with no toop) and a ball or small toy. Put the ball in the box for "in" next to the box for "near or next to" . Turn the box over and put the ball on top for "on" etc. For each new position you should show them a flash card. There are some great wss here that you can give them to practice what they learned.
Good luck |
19 Aug 2009
thank you all for your answers but the thing is that i must have to write this activities and i have to attach the material for that, i was planning to make an ice breaker like anita said, its really good but then i must have some worksheet prepared otherwise i will fail with the requirements that this evaluation is asking me to do, if you have a worksheet just for elementary level, i wanted to teach the common preposition including IN ON AT, and preposition of place i consider this the most important ones... thank you again |
19 Aug 2009
choose from any of these...
19 Aug 2009
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