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Teaching children
Teaching children
Hi, dear colleagues! I�m starting teaching children ( 6-10 years old) in a week and I�m looking for suitable and useful textbooks for them. Could you give me some advice, please?! THANKS FOR YOUR HELP IN ADVANCE!
Elena |
26 Aug 2009
miss K.
Hi! Do you mean textbooks or readers? You can search this site for mini-books (useful for little kids who begin to read). Search bookmarks for suitable sites where you can download books for free. I think it �s and - you can find grammar books here, I think. If your students can afford OXford or Longman that �s probably best. Try They have some free downloads there. |
26 Aug 2009
In case you are talking about manuals for little ones, I have been working with "Way ahead" from Macmillan and "Welcome" series from Express publishing. They come with teacher �s books and cd �s or cassettes and I think they are great... I also heard that "Set sail" series is very good for teaching young learners.. Hope this will help you, Denisa
26 Aug 2009
I �ve been working with portuguese publishers, but I know that Longman has a great textbook for children called "English Adventure". The lower level is "starter A" and it goes till level 4. The textbook come with CD for the songs and listening exercises, CD ROM, DVD, teacher �s book and flashcards...I can tell you that they have excellent songs for certain topics...
Hugs from Portugal,
Isabel |
26 Aug 2009