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New Video: Teaching Phonetics
New Video: Teaching Phonetics
New video from me:
This may not seem as exciting and fun as the other ones, but it made understanding transcriptions of the phonemes a bit more engaging.
On the pink post-its I have the sounds such as [ai], [ie], [a:] etc.
On the yellow post-its I have words: car, shell, singing... All sorts of them, they had to first of all find all the post-its from around the classroom (gets them up and running), group them (team work and co-operation) and place appropriate exmples to each sound.
Let me know what you think! |
26 Aug 2009
"This may not seem as exciting and fun as the other ones..."
When was phonetics fun?? But you livened it up a bit by going Gallery Walking, i.e. making your students break away from the confining desks and do a little bit of moving around, strolling about the classroom, bumping into each other (veeeery gently) and performing an otherwise dull and boring task. Well done!
26 Aug 2009
Well done Lana!
I wish I had such small groups so I could do the same! |
26 Aug 2009
Thank you girls for your encouragement!
26 Aug 2009