Today īs Computer Glitch
Just a thought......because so many people have had trouble downloading worksheets today due to the computer glitch, the contributors will not have got their fair exposure.
Could these worksheets be made available for free download again?
After all so many people put such a lot of work into their contributions it does not seem fair if they cannot be accessed.
What do the rest of you think?
Cheers from downunder
PS I didn īt have a contribution so I am not asking for myself.
I just think it is important to encourage everyone who tries so hard. |
31 Aug 2009
We still don īt know if the system glitch comes from Victor īs end or from some users ISPs ends. I say this because I, for one, don īt have any problem today. If the problem is from Victor īs end I am sure he will fix it soon. And as fair as we know him he will certainly do something to compensate today īs unfortunate members. However, if the problem comes from these members � ISPs ends (it happens so often) I don īt think Victor can intervene at that level. Still, I believe he will do something.
31 Aug 2009
Yes, that īs a great idea, Joy. It īs absolutely fantastic how many generous and unselfish people is around here. I īm glad I could help some of them with downloading and mind - I īve got still about 15 free downloads. Hugs, Michaela
31 Aug 2009
Goodnesses, I don īt think it īs ISPs end problem. So many people here wouldn īt have the same problem at the same time (just my opinion). I didn īt have 30free downloads today as well, just the rest of 24 from yesterday. I believe the problem is somewhere in the system and as soon as Victor īll find out, he īll surely fix it.
31 Aug 2009
I think that because the problem seems to be so widespread, across the board so to speak, I think we can safely assume that it is not the problem of certain users.
from Israel
Judy |
31 Aug 2009
Excuse me, but what does "ISPs end" mean?
I can manage with the computer but I don īt know some language that is used! Sorry, I confess my ignorance
Ciao |
31 Aug 2009
That means the problem may come from the "Internet Service Provider" side.
There is/are one/many ISPs in each country.
PS: Only those who admit their ignorance can learn. DonÂīt you think?
31 Aug 2009
Today I have only 8 free downloads... I don īt have any ISP problem... so... I don īt know what is happening today! :( Have a nice day! Ceci |
31 Aug 2009
How could you know that you don īt have an ISP problem? The only moment we know it is when the connection is completely off. The ISPs are always having problems but we as users we don īt feel most of them. Just for information. I maybe wrong.
31 Aug 2009
PS: Only those who admit their ignorance can learn. DonÂīt you think? This implies that a person CANNOT learn without admitting ignorance in that area. Do you really think our students are thinking about their ignorance when we teach them? I don īt agree with that statement at all. I would say, "Only those who are teachable can learn."
31 Aug 2009