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Teacher Training
Teacher Training
Hello everyone,
I have Huge favour to ask from all of you. I was just asked to prepare a 4 hour training seminar on sudnay for 80 new ESL kindergarden teachers. I have never done anything like this before and would love if anyone can point me in the direction of materials, ppts or anything that might be useful.
I will be training non-native speakers to teach esl they have very little experience in the classroom. The dont really know the basics of teaching kids and the techinques that most native teachers take for granted. I was thinking of going over things like how to drill effectively, warm ups, transitions, using target phrases effectively.
Because of the size of the group I was thinking of using a powerpoint presentation and then dividing them into groups to practice.
If you have anything that would be great. Thank you so much in advance, I am so nervous!!!!!!
3 Sep 2009
It seems four hours is so little! How can someone without any experience or knowledge become an effective teacher in four hours?
However, you must do what you �ve been asked.
I went to a short teacher training once, and it was very good. The instructor spoke about the different styles of learners (e.g. visual, audio, etc.) and gave some practical ways of incorporating different teaching styles to be sure we are reaching all learner styles. I think it �s very useful to instruct about different learning styles, as it is easy to be stuck only on the way you were taught or the way you think is easy to learn.
3 Sep 2009
I agree with Arlissa.
Please try to use key words such as Multiple Inteligences (Howard Gardner) and Multisensory learning and teaching for searching via google. You �ll find a lot of ideas and activities which can support students � learning.
I �ve been using multisensory activities with my class and it �s really fun. Moreover, students have long term memory in thier subjects.
3 Sep 2009