Dear Ahlam:
السلام عليكم
Thanks for disscusing such a matter with our colleagues around the world.I am so worry as you.My wife advised me not to join my 4 years old child to the kG because she is completely scared.Still,I assure u that our area is not so much affected(I work in the eastern province in Saudi Arabia.)Of course iam not going to add more pieces of advice but still i want to remind you as well as my self and my school to follow the following :
*Wear masks especially during the breaks
*to ask the educational directorates to reduce work hours in the first month of the school acadamic year.
*A doctor should be found in the school .
*The school officer(student guide)should be a ware enough to isolate any suspected case and tell his/her parents immediately.
*If i were you ,I am not going to eat anything from the school canteen but every thing should be prepared home.
*Having your own mug, spoon and so on is very important ( i say so because i know what happens in our schools.)
*Stop going in trips during the first two months to have room of time to see what will happen later.
*Classes shouldn �t be overcrawded.
*A doctor should see your daughter regulary.
Thanks and may Allah save us all Adel .