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Teach Writing Using Video
Teach Writing Using Video
Dear all of teachers, I am teaching writing to a group of adult. Well, they seem not motivated to write. I have heard that we can use video to motivate the students to write as well as to provide them the background knowledge. So far i have tried to find out some articles on how to use video in EFL writing class but poor me! i have not. Would you please guide me on how we can use video in teaching writing, such as: description, narration, opinion, cause and effect, and comparison and contrast, or give me some webs or articles on this topic. Many many thanks in advance to you all, teachers.
I am looking forward to your advice and guide.
4 Sep 2009
Hmmm, just last night i posted on Imaginative Writing ... I don �t know if it will be useful to you, but you might get an idea or two from it. Check the thread and you �ll see what the others also suggested. They gave great ideas. Also, try typing "writing" in the search engine at the bottom of the home page and you �ll find more threads which might answer your question. Good luck! Imaginative Writing P.S. You will have to click on Post an Answer and then from there open the page. I don�t know why it�s not working.
4 Sep 2009
Oh, no video, BUT a very good way to trick them into writing is through letters. Been there, done that. Write a personal letter to all of them (if you can �t write to each student, you can always make a copy of the same letter) and hand it to them, so that they reply back. You can introduce tenses through the letter, e.g. "You won �t believe it, but last week I ... How was your week?" etc.
4 Sep 2009
Mariethe House
Yes, writing to them and getting them to write to each other is a very good idea! I do it very often and they love writing and getting a reply from a friend even if they know him or her well! I do this with 2 different classes!it looks, seems, as if they are getting a mail from the other side of the planet!! Sorry, I have just realzed you are talking about adults!! But I am sure it works with them as well!Don´t we all have a child part in everyone of us?
4 Sep 2009
a isabel
You could also show them a video,stop it before the end and ask them to think about a possible way it can end. Every pupil can use their imagination and the others willl be curious about their mates � endings. Good luck!
4 Sep 2009
a isabel
Have you seen this worksheet?
4 Sep 2009