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Hi dear teachers!
My ss have read a novel (pride and prejudice by Jane Austen) and now they have to prepare a presentation about it in a festival at the institute. The problem is that my ss are adults, they don �t feel like playing it out or anything like it, as they say "it �s too embarrasing". The headteacher wants something "creative" not just posters. Please help me!! I �ve run out of ideas
thanx in advance!
celia |
4 Sep 2009
a isabel
Hi Celia,
I haven �t read the book, but I think they could make a quiz showing their knowledge about what they read. It could be for example 6 stations (tables or boards) In each one there would be different types of activities : questions about the main characters or a crossword, objects related to them in a box covered by a cloth and people would have to try and guess what they were touching,,,and related them to the book, parts of dialogues to be matched/reordered, in another table an activity to find similarities with other books, in another table pictures a extracts can also be matched or people can read a caption etc... etc. (The keys for the activities can be hidden somewhere or they can check what people know...) I hope other people give you more ideas. Good luck!
4 Sep 2009
I think the following will give you an idea
20 Ways of Looking at the Book
Complete any five of the assignments below:
- Summarize the book in poem form with rhyme (minimum 20 lines).
- Discuss in depth the relevance of the title.
- Write a letter to the author.
- Use two other sources to research and write a report on an issue from the book.
- Write a one minute radio advertisement persuading the public why they should buy and read this book.
- Research and write a report on the author.
- Q & A - Pretend you �re interviewing a person from the book. Write your interview in question and answer format.
- Compare and contrast the book with another you have read.
- Discuss cause and effect relationships you found in the book.
- Write an editorial based on a controversial issue in the book.
- Design a time-line for events in the book.
- Write a letter to one of the characters in the book.
- As a literary agent, write a letter to the publishing company designed to persuade them to publish this book.
- Create a glossary of unfamiliar words and phrases.
- Choose your favorite passage from the book. Copy it down and discuss what you found appealing about it.
- Top 10 List - list ten things you learned from this book.
- You �re the reporter. Write a front page news story or a report live from the scene.
- Write your own test - a combination of matching, multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay.
- Journal as you go - As you �re reading the book, keep a two-sided reading journal. The left side should have quotes from the book and page numbers. The right side should have your questions, thoughts, observations, revelations, etc.
- E-mail partner - Partner up with some who �s reading the same book. Divide the book into four parts. When you �ve read the first quarter, write a letter to your partner about your questions, thoughts, observations, revelations, etc. Your partner is to respond. Do the same for the next three sections of the book. When you finish, print out your letters and responses (each partner is to have four letters and four responses).
4 Sep 2009
Je suis papillon
Hi Celia!!!
I love Jane Austen!!!
A good idea is to compare this and other novels by Jane, explaining to the audience the chraracteristics of this period, how women lived under the "men" rules and the way people (specially women) didn�t show their feelings and thoughts. There�s a very interesting movie about the author, it�s called "BECOMING JANE", it�s a new one. It shows the life of Jane and how her writing reflects her life.
Hope it could help you!!!
4 Sep 2009
Who cleaned my answer and why ??????Isn �t it suitable for this subject ?May I learn? |
4 Sep 2009
I don �t understand dear epit, clean your answer?? I think it is most useful just as the other ideas. I �m gonna suggest my ss all of them!! thank you very much. It �s amazing to know that such a creative group of people exists all over the world! |
4 Sep 2009
I can �t have been mistaken.It wasn �t here just only 5 minutes ago.Anyway ,I can break a rule without knowing.The rules are very important in this site. |
5 Sep 2009
Maybe they could try to analise the situation of women at the time, and now. How things have changed. How was marriage seen then and now. You know: feminism and all those things.
5 Sep 2009
Start by the first sentence of the book "It�s a truth universally aknowledged that a single man in posession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife".
I think it�s a good start for a discussion. What do you think about it? Is it the same nowadays? and so on., |
5 Sep 2009
Some more activities for this novel.
5 Sep 2009