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Goodbye ESLprintables... YOU WIN!
Goodbye ESLprintables... YOU WIN!
Goodbye, everyone!
I wanted to share with you that I �ve given up! I got really tired of having my WSs reported with ANY excuse and I am leaving the site for good.
I have asked Victor for explanations about those reported contributions ... and received no answer at all!
I am sorry if I happen to be rude, but I really feel very angry and disappointed... I even had to change my username, and name to see if my WSs were accepted.
I got this feeling that not only Victor is the owner of the site, but also those people who have the power (or monopoly) of owning a certain amount of points!
I have just deleted all of my WSs and PPSs and that �s it for me! I am not going to waste my time and energy in this cyber war, where JUST some people get what they want. Luckily, I DO have a life to live!!!
There are some useless WSs, which are not a doc file, or are just an image pasted in a doc file which you can never modify... and they are accepted... some people upload a file in 5 or more parts to get more points... and that �s not the aim of "SHARING" your work... but "increasing" your profits!!!
At the beginning, instead of reporting, I used to write PM to the member... there was one contribution which was a list of activities taken from "5-minute activities" by Penny Ur. I wrote to this member and warned him about WSs being reported. I even wrote a comment on a WS I considered not adequate but did not report it.
Until someone did not like my comments... and everything started!!! I started receiving a reported WS every single day! Guess What? This person who did not like my comment, happened to have more than thousands of points.
I even reported some WSs because I considered the reasons they gave me for mine being inappropriate ... for the others � WSs. But I was wrong... there is a big group of people here in control of everything... and they are the ones to decide who deserves what in the site!
I can see most of the WSs here are grammar oriented... I tried to upload some activities different from Grammar drills, ice breakers, warm ups, word puzzles... and it seems moderators did not get the aim of them. They did not consider them an ESL Resource... So, it was then when I took the decision... and decided to leave the site.
I would like to thank all of you who gave me some piece of advice and who provided me with lots of ideas and GREAT WORKSHEETS!!!
I hope you get more luck than I did here...
It �s been a pleasure with some of you!!!
Good Luck,
Miss Honey / MariaE
eugedell / Eugenia (my original name, before the attacks!) |
5 Sep 2009
Miss Honey... I �m so sorry for all what happened to you. I never download any of your worksheets, but I think I know how you feel. If you know you have good worksheets no worry about what other people say; what works for your students might not suit other students � needs. Be happy and smile, I send you a hug. |
5 Sep 2009
5 Sep 2009
Miss Honey,
you wrote me a PM because of yesterday but will reply here. Maybe you should write what happened yesterday.... but as you didn �t I will. Yesterday there were loads of reported worksheets by you - that would be OK for more of them. BUT there were several wss wchich WERE ESL reources, WERE very useful and there was NOTHING WRONG about them. After that one of the moderators wrote in the forum and asked all members for responsible reporting and that it would be a good idea if members, whou had reported good wss three times, would lose the right to report. And you were saying how great idea it is. Sorry, but it seems hypocritical to me.
I became a moderator just 3 days ego a beieve, taht I worked hard for it. I can mostly work at night because after work I am giving all my attention to my daughter, and I was really proud of myself when I reached 1000 points. So I can �t tell how often your wss are being reported but yesterday there was just one. And yes I voted for its removal because there were just songs without any other activity.
Believe me, I was surprised how many people sends stolen, copied and useful wss and I am trying to vote responsibly. Yesterdy I spent 2 hours looking up the members whose wss had been reported. For myself I can say that I �m not just clicking on REMOVE button and I believe most of the moderators are as me.
So please, calm down, think about your decision to leave these wonderful pages and if you will decide to stay - think twice before you will report useful wss.
Best regards, Michaela
5 Sep 2009
I �m sorry Miss Honey but I do not remember your worksheets.
I became a moderator a while ago when I reached the 1000 points. There is no clique or monopoly. I for one don �t even know who the other moderators are.
However, like Michaela, I was shocked at the number of inappropriate worksheets being contributed every day. There are so many copied from books or websites and even from other members of this site. Some people send in just lyrics of a song.....great but what use are they without exercises. Other work comes through corrupted or with non-English comments. These are against the rules for obvious reasons.
I agree that it could seem like a "tit for tat" situation but it is not.
Why don �t you your points up to 1000 and then become a moderator yourself.
However be warned it takes a lot of your "life" up. Every worksheet that is reported has to be checked and double-checked...... and this can take a long time. If it cannot be confirmed as a copy it stays on the website so we do give people the benefit of the doubt.
The real controllers of this site are the members themselves...if they like someone �s work, they download it and you get points. If they don �t download....they are sending a message!
It �s all about working together.
Cheers, Joy |
5 Sep 2009
Now that you say you have changed your username (name and avatar) I finally know who you are!
Some time ago you (Eugedell) left a nasty comment
in one of my worksheets... telling me that the file couldn �t be edited
and how unfair I was for doing that, regardless of the fact that I had
explained in the WS description that I had designed it in corel and had
pasted it into word...
felt really bad about this comment (which was 1� and I felt it didn �t do justice to a worksheet I had devoted a lot of time to create), and decided to delete the
printable (losing the points) and upload it the following day. You, who I had PMed
explaining how nasty your comment had been, reported the worksheet out
of vengance when I uploaded it again, saying it was just a clipart,
when in fact it was a weekly plan template, something I do consider an
ESL resource...
It was then that I started browsing through your worksheets and found out that 3 of your uploads had been taken directly from the net... Like this one, for example, And there were also some others which didn �t follow the site �s rules (lists of songs) or didn �t have the correct explanation.
Yesterday, I was shocked to see how many perfectly good worksheets Miss Honey (you) had reported... These are just some: This is reading and colouring! This is a song with a task.
As all the moderators were commenting the fact that you were reporting perfectly good worksheets, I decided to start a thread in the forum asking all the members to please report in a responsible way... It was so amusing that you answered the thread, saying how much you agreed, when you were the person doing it!
were �missreporting � good worksheets and that was what I meant by my
post, so it was ironic that you left a comment here! In the reported
worksheets section we were all asking ourselves why you were reporting so many good worksheets... I guess that now that I know that Miss Honey is Eugedell I understand... you were being vengefully reporting every single worksheet you came accross, making moderators waste our time trying to save perfectly good worksheets.
Noone here has any power. Moderators work hard, unfortunately many times saving WS from people who report them just for the sake of it!
If your worksheets were removed it was because they didn �t follow the site �s rules, not because there is a monopoly.
This is a loving community, were people help unconditionally. I can �t stand people like you coming here to want to have things your way and with this nobody wins but you loose!
So, so long, farewell!
(although I am sure you will get a new user, with a new flag, a new avatar, and continue "profiting" from this community which you have insulted!)
5 Sep 2009
Miss Honey, if you changed your nick and name here and your wss were still reported, for me it �s because the it wasn �t a personal matter against you, but something wrong with your wss.
The wss are reported when they don �t fit the site rules, but we had some wss reported by members who are not moderators just for revenge, just the way you �ve just said you did.
I consider this kind of behavior unfair with the members who spent hours of their lives (and I �m sure everyone here has a life to live, family, house, students...) preparing a ws for their students and kindly decided to share it with us. If a ws fits the site rules, it �s UNFAIR to report it. It �s also unfair because you make the moderators check and vote for a perfect and original ESL resource that shouldn �t be at the reporting page. And the moderators also have a life to live.
So when you report a wss for personal reasons or "to see what happens" you are acting in an unfair way, and messing things up at the site.
Since you have (as everybody does, I want to emphasize this fact) a life to live, you should spend your little free time checking accepted ws here or trying to improve your OWN work. As you know and most of the moderators also do, your deleted wss were only copy & paste or wss without a clear purpose on ESL teaching, so you should have taken the opportunity to learn what "ESL resource" is about.
Leaving the site you �re not showing up the moderators � work but only losing the chance of learning and improving your work. It also means (for me, at least) that the reporting page will be less cluttered with perfect wss reported just "to see what happens".
6 Sep 2009