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Hi Dear teachers, I really want to know different ways of practising the present simple. I �m teaching adults. I gave them many reading, listening, speaking and some writing activities. So I want to know other activities... your suggestions are more than welcome,
Sabri |
8 Sep 2009

One idea is that you could have them interviewing each other, maybe for a job, maybe they could pretend to be someone famous or maybe even estate agents, and one in each pair could be a house buyer.
They would then role play using the present tense.
Another creative way of using present simple is if you get them to create a presentation on an object that they have invented (obviously in their imagination) and they have to describe what it is, what it does.
This game can also be adapted to practice the future tense too, but I would say to only use it once with each class, so don �t use it to practice present then use it again to practice future. It will get boring!!
There is one other idea I have, but I �ll PM you about it.
8 Sep 2009