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Games, activities and teaching ideas > PENPALS PROJECT - How can we get students to interact more (via email) with people in other countries?
PENPALS PROJECT - How can we get students to interact more (via email) with people in other countries?

PENPALS PROJECT - How can we get students to interact more (via email) with people in other countries?
How can we get students to interact more (via email) with people in other countries?
I respect Dennis Littky,, for recommending "real homework" and "real classwork."
Why not ask students to write to penpals? I have a list of students.
How about exchanging lists between each other or you can send your
emails to me with request, like "I want to write to someone from rome"
Let me know & send me a mail..if you have interest to participate.
Thanks in advance
8 Sep 2009

I have started most of my students writing letters for penpals. I like the idea, but not email, real letters.
If you are interested send me a pm with your postal address, the ages of the kids and boy or girl, and let �s get started.
 from Israel.
Judy |
8 Sep 2009

Please judyhalevi check your mail, I have sent to you a message with instructions.
Thanks for participating!
8 Sep 2009

you might want to check the site called, is a site for teachers and students to write emails or letters, they have nice projects there .
8 Sep 2009

Thanks Lizsantiago, but we have already 700 addresses of students that want to participate in this "PENPALS PROJECT" in other countries,and we are using already with some of them and we need to spread this project for more students and more teachers around the world. If you and other teachers here want and like to start helping us with it, we�ll appreciate it a lot and I think it will be wonderful. Hugs for you all!
8 Sep 2009

Hi I wanna be part of them but in letters =) |
27 Sep 2009