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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Help me
Help me

D@N! P
Help me
Hello, you guys.
I�m new here at ESL pintables, so it�s a pleasure to meet you all.
My problem is that I�m not a very creative teacher. And my classes are too long.
So I need ways to make it more interesting to students. This week I have to teach about nationalities, countries, capitals and tourist spots. But, the other problem that I also have is that I must cover 14 books activities.
So, please help me with ideas for teaching these subjects, especially some kind of games and competitions. But, these activities can take too long.
Thanks a lot.
9 Sep 2009

I have got a boardgame about countries and nationalities...maybe u can use it but u need dices...
9 Sep 2009

try matching activities where one student has the beginning of a sentence or a picture and the other student has to walk around the class and find his partner. That takes about five to ten minites and it �s great to start the class. Have the students dsign a poster for a particular tourist attraction. |
9 Sep 2009

I think creativity is a gift from God, but for you i think it �s better to focus on the conent rather than the amount in your lesson. So, try to make your lesson as enjoiable as you can and forget about exhusting your students with alot of materials and grammatical stuff.
Best wishes
9 Sep 2009

Hello, I am also a newcomer here :)
Here is a game, that may help you.
you can change it a little - for example instead of my name wite my nationality, etc.
hope, you can use it...  |
9 Sep 2009

Sorry, I don �t have anything to interject but the image is making my page toooooo big!! So I am adding a comment here. Sorry!
9 Sep 2009