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Grammar and Linguistics > How to use comma correctly...!
How to use comma correctly...!

How to use comma correctly...!
hi my friends..!
Please any one clear this punctuation matter...
dog, cat, cow, and deer ======> correct ?
dog, cat, cow and deer ======> correct ?
I need to clear this matter out.
Thanks for your valuable time - Ranjith |
16 Sep 2009

Dear Ranjith,
In English, the first form is absolutely correct because the language allows a comma before the word "and" .
Ana |
16 Sep 2009

Hi Rabeyrathne,
When we list three or more items, e.g. �(...)X,Y,or Z � we put a comma between each pair of items. E.g. bananas, melons, grapes, apples, and pears.
The comma in between apples and pears is optional but in English it is commonly used.
So, I would recommend you use the first option "dog, cat, cow, and deer". Although your last option is not considered to be wrong.
Hope this helps.
ranclaude |
16 Sep 2009

Im English and teach English. The first form is correct and the second in not acceptable.
16 Sep 2009

That �s good to know! I always was taught (but that might have been in Dutch) that you do not use a comma before the word �and � since �and � brings a natural pause to the sentence..
I �ll keep this in mind when it comes up in class! |
16 Sep 2009

I �m also a native teacher and I �d never use a comma before �and � when writing a list, so the second sentence is correct in my humble opinion. However, if �and � is used to connect two clauses, then a comma would be used. I stayed in, and my partner went to the cinema. I �ve just checked with Swan �s Practical English Usage and he agrees with me. Hope this hasn �t confused you more rabeyrathne! |
16 Sep 2009

You �ve just got to agree with Swan. It �s always right. I certainly find it strange to put a comma before �and �. |
16 Sep 2009

Hi Guys,
Love the discussion created here, isn �t it awesome! All these questions are keeping us up-to-scratch!
I �ve just re-checked the rule. According to Leech, when a conjunction (and, or, but) is used with clauses, then the comma is optional but when these conjunctions are used to list words, then a comma is put before the conjunction. However, as I mentioned earlier, again, it is optional.
Cheers, and hugs from Australia
16 Sep 2009

According to wikipedia:
The serial comma (also known as the Oxford comma and the Harvard comma) is the comma used immediately before a grammatical conjunction (usually and, or, and sometimes nor) preceding the final item in a list of three or more items. For example, this three-country list can be punctuated as either �Portugal, Spain, and France� (with the serial comma) or as �Portugal, Spain and France� (without the serial comma). [1][2][3]
Opinions vary among writers and editors on the usage or avoidance of the serial comma. There are differences in usage and proscription between American English and British English,[4] but no particular trend has been identified (see below).[5] In many languages (e.g. French,[6] German,[7] Italian,[8] Polish,[9] Spanish[10]) the serial comma is not the norm; it may even go against punctuation rules � but it may be recommended in some cases to avoid ambiguity or to aid prosody when reading.
Basically, both are right. When I taught English grammar to native speakers I used to tell my students they could use either as long as they were consistent in which one they used. (Personally, I prefer using the serial comma because I think it helps prevent confusion. )
16 Sep 2009