Ramadan is also called Sweets Festival in Turkey. Kids go from door to door and collect sweets (similar to Trick or Treat: but instead of scary costumes they wear their best or newest outfits.) May all the children in the world have nice clothes to wear and sweet things to eat. And a day full of sweets to everybody here. |
20 Sep 2009
Sounds like a lot of fun. But, don �t you fast during the day and eat in the evening?
Happy Ramadan to all those celebrating. |
20 Sep 2009
Good morning Yanki,
Here, it �s called Eid El-Fitr. Anyway, it �s all the same festive day for all muslims in the world.
Yeah, children do go from door to door to collect sweets, chocolates, and money. However, it rarely occurs in cities; it �s mostly happening in the villages coz all people know each other .
What about Baqlawa?? You serve it, for sure. Yummmmmmmmy!!
Nebal |
20 Sep 2009
Happy id el fitr to all celebrating!
Yesterday I went to eastern Jerusalem and saw the enormous amount of candy for sale! Some kids are going to be in heaven! My kids were a bit jealous. We celebrate the jewish new year and we also have food to symbolize a �sweet � new year. We dip pieces of apple in honey but let �s be honest... to a kid these huge heaps of candy do look a lot more attractive than a sticky piece of apple!!!
Enjoy and may we all have a sweet new year! |
20 Sep 2009
Happy Eid El-Fitr to all Muslims and their families
I hope people from the different countries on this site will keep us informed of their customs as well so that we can all share in the love and celebrations.
Let �s try to create world harmony in our little community.
Cheers from Joy downunder. |
20 Sep 2009
Thanks for your wishes and Happy Eid El-Fitr to all Muslims!
Gabitza |
20 Sep 2009
20 Sep 2009
Mouna mch
ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuui.. it is El Eid.. i �m so happy..
i �m spending my day eating sweets, candies, home made cakes..
oooooooooooooooooooh my God.. i �ve just realized that i must have gained weight...
oooooooooooooooooh, i must go to start my diet NOW..
haaaaaaaaaaappy Eid 4 you all.. wish you all the love in the world...
20 Sep 2009
miss noor
Happy Eid El-Fitr to all Muslims and their families .
20 Sep 2009
manonski (f)
I like this tradition of wearing your best when going door to door. Thank you for explaining this day to me. I had never heard about this special day. |
20 Sep 2009
miss noor
Let me tell u about Eid-Ul-Fitr.
It is the holiday that follows the blessed month of Ramadan and falls on the 1st day of Shawwal the 10th month in the Hijra Calender.
There is a special Eid prayer that is performed in congregation.
Muslims are encouraged to dress in their best clothes, new if possible.
They visit each other and eat sweets and chocolates.
Children collect sweets, chocolates, and money. And really our children make Eid happier by their happiness and enjoyment.
20 Sep 2009