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Message board > Apologize. I īm sorry please forgive me. ..
Apologize. I īm sorry please forgive me. ..
Apologize. I īm sorry please forgive me. ..
I just want to clarify this as I don īt have access to the reporting section. I īve got a PM from one of the moderators asking why had I reported worksheets which are great!
reported a worksheet today while I was browsing for some grammar
printables and I came across worksheets which were very similar in
layout, (not the grammar) in fact I thought they belonged to the same member so I
reported them. Well, I was told I was called Jealous!!!.. for reporting!
I sent her a pm and explained the reasons because she also said, it was
not funny that I was reporting worksheets as it gave the moderators too
much work. And I was taking their precious time by reporting.
Well, I īm terribly sorry to dissapoint you moderators and others but I īm not jealous in the
least, I īm not competeing for points, and I īm not reporting as a
As far as I know there was a huge discussion some time
ago becasue some member had copied Katianas layout so I thought I was
doing right in reporting.
I also reported a worksheet (for which I īm accused of jealous and reporting jusr because) because when I
downloaded it I got very dissapointed becasue the picture was really so
blurry and with a strong yellow background not editable and really not
printer friendly at all. And she said I īm reporting great worksheets
because I īm jealous! And that they have thought of implementing a button to report users and remove them!! So I was threaten to be reported and removed.. So as I don īt have access to the reporting section, I want to say SORRY I will never report again! and Please forgive me.. I don īt want to be threaten again!
Thanks for the PM but I won īt answer anymore. SO please accept my apologize Sam
20 Sep 2009
Just a little word of advice: Never report a WS if you are not 100% sure that it is stolen. (and can add a link for confirmation)
You wrote:
I came across worksheets which were very similar in
layout, (not the grammar) in fact I thought they belonged to the same member so I
reported them.
That is not reason enough. If you īre not sure - don īt report.
20 Sep 2009
Ok, thank you for your kind answer Libertybelle.
20 Sep 2009
Hi Ohlala_esl:
In fact, we are allowed to use other person īs layouts and pictures, but we have to ask for permission first, so if you see a ws with similar layout to another, just send the previous uploader a PM to check if he recognizes that ws as a copy of his before reporting.
Since we all use word to prepare our ws and word tools are free for everyone to use, some wss may have similarities, but this fact itself doesn īt imply they are copies. At the reporting page we download the documents to compare their properties before asking for being removed. We also send a PM to the first uploader to listen to what he has to say about the matter.
Voting a ws is not that simple and sometimes it takes a long time to make our minds on what to do with some wss on the reporting page. Some moderators seem to feel bothered when someone reports a ws without a clear reason, and we have several moderator īs wss reported for revange by members with zero points (fake members, I think).
But when you report a ws you are sure (or convinced) it is not an ESL resource or as a copy, you are forcing the moderators to work more, but you are also helping us to examine and remove it - if it īs the case. So I ask you not to give up reporting if you see a ws that doesn īt belong here, it īll keep the site clean.
If you are in doubt, just PM a moderator asking for advice.
Zailda Coirano
20 Sep 2009
thank you for your help, it īs clear of course and I will follow your advice.
I show up my face and I don īt hide under Zero point accounts.
Thank you!
20 Sep 2009
Everyone can make a mistake. Don īt take it too close to your heart .
20 Sep 2009
Dear Zailda.
That īs why I decided to write a PM to Ohlala_esl and explained her in
a similar way you did above. Unfortunately one of the moderators wrote
her about my comment in moderator section ( I wrote the user is jealous
if she often report absolutely great wss) and her reply to me wasn īt
very nice, even thought I explained I had written it before I sent her
the PM. I wonder if it is fair from moderators, to write to reporting
users, what we say in the section for reported wss. I feel quite sad as I was trying to help and it turned against me.
20 Sep 2009
Nines Picado
HI. You say :" I also reported a worksheet (for which I īm accused of jealous and reporting ) just because when I
downloaded it I got very disapointed because the picture was really so
blurry and with a strong yellow background not editable and really not
printer friendly at all" . I think you are talking about one of my worksheets that you reported yesterday.You said that it was bad quality and scanned from a book, which was untrue because I sent the link where I got it from and said the quality wasn īt good because I had to make the picture bigger and it was only 90 kb, and you didnīt answer anything to that.Someone who had downloaded my worksheet said that it was scanned and I sent her a p.m telling that it wasnīt so. I really canīt understand why you reported my worksheet, if it is just because the picture was not good enough for you and were disappointed for "losing" a point.It has happened to me quite a few times that the worksheets weren`t what I expected but itīs my fault if i didnīt take enough time to look at the preview. Never in my life I would have reported a worksheet for the reasons that you give and of course I would have apologised for saying something which was not true (scanned from a book). It was my intention not to say anything about this matter because there are more important things that arguing about a worksheet but you have written and...
Thanks to all the wonderful teachers who create and share their work which help me a lot to make my teaching better. Nines
20 Sep 2009
It also happened to me, some wss I downloaded weren īt what I expected they were, but it īs not a fair reason for reporting it and before reporting we have to provide proofs, unless it īs clearly scanned or a copy. As Nines said, if a ws doesn īt correspond to what we expect it īs our fault for not examining it better before downloading.
We have to report conciuously because accusing people is a serious matter and we may pay for the consequences.
20 Sep 2009