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The Word " Studying" is??? Just for Fun!!
The Word " Studying" is??? Just for Fun!!
Hello dear teachers,
I was checking my mail, and I came across a matter that surprised me a lot. A friend of mine sent me amazing and weird facts, and among them was the following . Check it out!!
Have you ever noticed that the word " studying" is originally kind of two words intermingled : student + dying?
Lol!!! Oh God, how things work!!! I haven �t noticed this before, but now I know what the true meaning of studying is , and why many students hate it. It tells a lot!!!
Have a great day,
nebal |
22 Sep 2009
Dear Nebal,students know much more than us.Yes,I �m not kidding.They don �t listen,they don �t do homework but whenever I go school without preparing they find a mistakeand they make me mad.So A teacher has to be more clever than his or her students. At least we have to seem so. |
22 Sep 2009
Too funny Nebal!
22 Sep 2009
Well, Nebal, I guess it �s a matter of perspective.
I would rather say that the students are dying themselves in the colours of knowledge, hard work and stuff of the kind, but then, who am I to know?...
22 Sep 2009
Very funny Nebal |
22 Sep 2009
So spot on - to ask them to study is the same as asking them to ... Something that is beyond them. ha ha ha |
22 Sep 2009