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Concerning worksheets > Question about "printables"
Question about "printables"
Question about "printables"
Hey all!
I have a questions about posting a resource I use as a printable. I don �t want to break any of the rules of the site and I am not clear if this would be an appropriate post. Please let me know your thoughts and I will proceed accordingly.
The school that I teach at subscribes to a private database that archives associated press articles that have been rewritten at various grade levels. The site is designed to help students with reading so that an entire class can read the same article on-line at their appropriate reading level.
I have taken this resource and adapted it for my ESL classroom. I teach ESL 1 and I find articles of interest and get them at a beginning reading level. I also copy and paste the multiple choice questions that correspond with the reading. I end up with a short non-fiction text, target vocab for the text, and multiple choice questions; but it is all just copying, pasting and reformating from the website.
I love using this with my students and have thought about making it available on this website, but I don �t want to break any of the rules. The most important rule for the website is that what you submit is an original creation. What I have is original in that it is not available eslewhere, but it is really just a series of copying and pasting.
So what do you guys think? Is it appropriate to make available as a printable?
Suzanne |
22 Sep 2009
I think that it will not be considered an esl resource. if you are able to definitely share it you can upload the materials to something like Mediafire, Scribd and 4shared by creating free account there and sharing the link with the members here.
I also have a shared folder where I upload materials others members send me and provide the links via the forum - usually these are materials too big to upload to esl printables directly.
22 Sep 2009
Well, I think you can make it ESL resource quite simply. Just add few basic questions to go with all the texts and upload the SIMPLE texts only... You have to meet the requirement of sharing your work, so your worksheets can consist of adapted texts, but the questions or other exercises must be yours...
I think it would be useful, provided you share the easy to read texts + few questions. It would be great if you could share many texts in one file... You can do it by opening several Word documents and joining them together. You might use text editor - notepad and copy all text to notepad - this makes the texts lose the formatting AND it makes a looong text collection extremely small. Then you can copy all the texts back to a new blank MS Word document and you �ll be able to share 30-50 pages of text with no problems...
EDIT: if the texts are copyrighted, you shouldn´t upload it here... You may use uncopyrighted texts from internet...
22 Sep 2009
If you are in the USA, as the flag beneath your avatar shows, then I recommend not doing this. According the US laws, it is copyright infringement. Actually it doesn �t matter whether Victor or the moderators of this site allow it, but it matters if you follow US I don �t think you should upload those materials.
You can read more about US copyright laws here:
22 Sep 2009