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D@N! P
Hello. Dear teachers. How are you? Hope fine.
I need a little help about how teaching a topic. I have to teach about marital status to my �basic 1�students. I can�t wonder a way to teach them without using their mother tongue. I was wondering about using body language such as point to my left ring finger and ask them if they are married or single. But, I can imagine how to teach related vocabulary such as engaged, separated, divorced, widow etc.
Can you give some suggestions? My class is next Friday.
Thank you
23 Sep 2009

Matching the words you want them to use to their definitions is something that may be useful.
I hope that helps.
Good luck
23 Sep 2009

HI, What about using pictures related to your topic, for instance you could show a poster of a family and then as a family tree, pointing out the menbers of the family and then the marital status of each menber .
Mother and father are parents and they are married, the mather is married and the fahter is married, pointing to the pics. -------------- the son is also a brother and he is single ( is not married)
Also is agood idea to show a weeding ring as a simbol of been married and so on. I hope soem of these ideas may help. good luck |
23 Sep 2009

How about cutting out some pics from a magazine or just making flash cards of different people from clip art and you could introduce them and give each one a name and give each pair their own time line and then you could use some blue tack and stick them next to their time lines. You could then just draw in or again print off a flash card of an engagement ring , a wedding cake, a tomb stone, a judge, some one crying, a couple fighting etc...and each time move the rings with the couple for separation and remove the rings for divorce. Don �t tell them the word, try to elicit it from them first and then you must make some good concept check questions before going into class, because they don �t always come to you on the spur of the moment, DO NOT USE THEIR MOTHER TONGUE!!! just drill the words , single drills, choral drills etc,and only after that whole procedure of elicit , drill, concept check do you move on to the next word.Do not write the words up on the board until you have taught them all.When u have finished teaching them to the ss and have gone thru your time lines by pointing at the different senarios again checking that they remember the vocab ,do you write the words down on the board next to each senario.If you write the words before, they �ll be so busy writing down the words and getting the correct spelling that they won �t focus on the next new word being taught. You could then, after they �ve finished writing down their words in their books[another idea is to also print or write them on a piece of paper and stick it up on the board, so removal is quick], remove the words again, make them close their books and see how much they remember.A ss needs to repeat a word at least 20 times minimum before they remember it and you �ll only achieve it by drilling.Remember too that it �s not possible to learn more than about 6 or 7 new words in one session.
Good luck
;o) |
23 Sep 2009

I agree that the pointing to the ring is a good idea, taking it off and showing them that you are not wearing it any more should be a good visual for divorced.....and and if you remove it then make a new gesture of putting it back on it could suggest the second marriage.....
23 Sep 2009