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Opinion topics for Business Students....

Opinion topics for Business Students....
Firstly I got a job!! (yipppppppeeeeeeee) not full time but contracted when needed type thing to do Business English for a large company here throughout Sweden...
Bad news is I have to have 30 hours of teaching planned by tomorrow afternoon..(so that the student �s material can be printed off on Friday) I have 5 days with 6 hours each day with a class of 30 students who are studying finance/accounting and Business English is a module of their year and a half course. The reason it is short notice is the client took ages to accept the proposal and my new employer couldn �t say start on it until they had the go ahead... ANYWAY... Here is the activity I need speaking ideas/topics for... Task: In this speaking activity you have to present and defend an opinion by motivating the reasons supporting your opinion. You are not expected to be an expert on the subject matter, merely to discuss the facts with your colleagues and: 1. state your opinion clearly and firmly; 2. motivate your opinion; 3. defend your opinion during discussion with your colleagues i.e. you cannot change opinion, your task is to convince your colleagues that you are right!
This is not my original activity it is the company �s... I also don �t like the words motivating and motivate in this context.. what do you think? I am on an extremely tight deadline...any help is GREATLY appreciated!!!!!
23 Sep 2009

THANK YOU!!! I have already found the first one and am using a couple from there so will check out the rest... Have sent you a PM too...
Roch :-)
23 Sep 2009

Is it your class that will discuss pros and cons or you against the class?
I once divided my class into two groups. The issue was a big chemical factory wanting to build a new factory right smack dab in the middle of town on the harbor.
The pros talked about the new jobs and income for the town. The cons talked about ruining the environment and nature in this area.
Is this something of what you are thinking about? good luck and congrats! L
23 Sep 2009

Hi Cheezels
Here are some more links for you from my little stash of useful links that I store on my Delicious account:
Now I�m going to add Silkes and Aftabs great links to Delicious for my own future reference - thanx guys!
Jayho |
23 Sep 2009

Congratulations Cheezels.
A great topic for business English is "Taxes"
1. Economists agree that the lower the tax rate the higher the tax income, so why do governments keep on raising the tax rate?
2. What about a flat rate tax. Everyone pays X percent of their salary.
Hope this helps.
23 Sep 2009

THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!! Some great stuff!!!! Block is now unblocked and activity planned! YOU ARE ALL STARS!!!!!
23 Sep 2009

Some great ideas from everybody.
As for the "motivate " question, I would consider changing it to "assert" |
23 Sep 2009