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Do we really need this in the forum?
You�re hillarious Nika, hahahaha
That pic is great too!!! hahahaha you made my night... off to have a coffe with my friends, have a nice day! :D |
26 Sep 2009
Yeah, I�m lucky to have a job, too.
But your glasses are awesome, too!Where did you buy them, dear Ohlala? Via Venetto? I �ve been there, but haven �t found as nice as yours. Besides, I �d rather sit at a Trattoria and watch people strolling around. And I wouldn�t say no to a capuccino, if you offer me one...
(I only eat pizza when nobody is watching ...)
Julieta, I�ll buy you a coffee at the marina if you pop by, ok? |
26 Sep 2009
Hi, people!
I was away but returned to check the site - can �t sleep without doing it!
nikadixon, a question: can you tell me more about scratch? I went to the site but still have no idea... late hour, I suppose...
Fado, the portuguese music? Amalia Rodrigues... De quem eu gosto, nem �s paredes confesso... this kind of music are you talking about? Just love it, why?
BTW, loved your pics, it �s great to see a little bit about you and students.
I use my real name (with surname) in the internet and never use avatars, I always use my pics, as recent as I can. I have blogs and profiles in hundreds of sites and I publish my name, face, always say where I live (Diadema, a city with 400.000 inhabitants next to S�o Paulo city) and that I work at CCAA (a famous school with more than 9.000 branches in Brazil and around the world (even in Portugal, where it �s called CCLS - Cultural Center for Language Study - one of them in Caldas da Rainha, I even sent an email when I wanted to work there). No problem for me to show who I am. And when I say (write) something, it �s real, I sign it with my real name, so people know that I take the responsibility on everything I say or do on internet.
26 Sep 2009
@Goodnesses, I work at a private school, as I said in my previous post. I tried public school once but couldn �t stand it.
26 Sep 2009
@nikadixon: if you were talking about music (see my previous posts here) would you like to exchange some files?
26 Sep 2009
What do you exactly mean by exchanging, Zailda? (just kidding). I �ve got everything that �s Brazilian from M�sica Nordestina to Rio Grande do Sul. Of course we will exchange files, but let me take a nap now: it �s 4:28 and I have a class at 8:30, ok? |
26 Sep 2009
OK, see you tomorrow!
I used to exchange letters in the past, now we can exchange mp3 files!
26 Sep 2009
What a rambling post...what are you all going on about?
It starts with peace then seems to escalate into war and then ends up with a lesson in describing people, glasses, fish bowls and all.
I feel totally exhausted.
BTW It �s interesting about names on avatars, etc. No matter how many times I sign with my name, Joy, I still get people calling me Bill because it is the first word in my email address and consequently my username. Bill is my husband and I am a woman...well I have been for the last 60 odd years. Must check! Ha! Ha!
Just teasing you all!
Cheers Joy |
26 Sep 2009
What a wonderful name! And the sound is also great. I love names like yours: Hope, for example. And I also like names with the months: May, April. Is there a September? LOL
26 Sep 2009
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