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Word meaning

Word meaning
Hi guys, I �m trying to make a worksheet about the movie When a Stranger Calls. I came through this word that I don �t know the meaning and I can �t find it in any dictionary. Can you help me? The work is Cakewalk. I wrote the piece of the dialogue below. thanks.
Kelly � We were so thrilled to find a babysitter at the last minute. You come highly recommended by the Thompsons.
Jill � Well, they�re great.
Kelly � If you can handle them, we�re gonna be a cakewalk. Tim, keys?
Tim � Yeah. |
29 Sep 2009

Okay in my day a "cakewalk" was a social benefit event where you paid to walk around a numbered square during music - like musical chairs - and when the music stopped, if you were on a certain square, you got to pick a cake that had been donated from a table of cakes and pies.
29 Sep 2009

In this context, it means we �re going to be easy. Basically if the babysitter can handle the Thompson �s kids, then Kelly �s kids will be a piece of cake or a lot easier to handle. :)
29 Sep 2009

thanks guys. It really helped.
29 Sep 2009

WOW!!! Linda, you are really old. lol
29 Sep 2009

Hi everyone
I turned to my trusty friend Wikipedia and guess what, the term derives from the Cakewalk dance! The actual dance has a most interesting history.
Today the term cakewalk also means something that is very easy or effortless.
I�d never heard of this term before - so it�s my new word for the day. I think it derives from American English.
29 Sep 2009

Not that old. I just grew up in a rural farm area and we did those kinda things!
29 Sep 2009

It �s a common expression to mean that something is easy to do or requires little effort.
For Example,
A: " How was your exam?"
B: " No problem. It was a cakewalk. I think I aced it."
Hope that helps... |
29 Sep 2009

I �m with Linda. I loved cakewalks when I was a kid. (I also grew up in a rural area.)
Also, "it�s a cakewalk" means it´s extremely easy (just like "it�s a piece of cake.") |
29 Sep 2009