Nice to see so many people agree :)
Hi Goodnesses - No i don�t think that someone downloading is saying thank you for all my hard work. Someone downloading tells me that i have made a useful downloadable (although what I think is my best creation ever only has 2 downloads and yet students love it and learn how to create words!).
I see many people say they don�t have the time to say thank you. I think that is a bit sad really - it is a real indictment on the world today. I prefer to give feedback and thanks. Giving honest feedback to people has the following benefits:
1) People feel good when they receive thanks
2) People know what they did well when you give honest feedback
3) People get information on how to improve their worksheets in future
4) Other teachers on the website can find out how you used a resource and get teaching ideas
5) You reflect on how you are going to use a worksheet and improve your own teaching skills by reflection.
6) It creates a wonderful community.
So, I am sorry i disagree with you on this one. For me it is about more than thanks. It is about developing our teaching skills, reflections skills, and generally improving ourselves as teachers.