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Grammar and Linguistics > Apostrophy possession with S?
Apostrophy possession with S?

Apostrophy possession with S?
I can �t seem to find a definite answer to the question whether I should or shouldn �t use �s after a word or name that ends in S.
Is it Carlos � bike, or Carlos �s bike?
What about the goose �s egg?
Iquitos � population or Iquitos �s population?
How about Mr. Jones � neighbors or Mr. Jones �s neighbors?
Thanks for any help you may be able to offer.
Mr. Gart Iquitos, Peru |
3 Oct 2009

The boy �s bedroom
The boys � rooms
Names that end with s
Mr. Jones � neighbors or Mr. Jones �s neighbours are both right.
3 Oct 2009

Thanks Libertybelle!
My name �s Charles, and I �ve never known the answer to that question!
All the best,
Charles. |
3 Oct 2009

It can be confusing Charles.
Mr. Gart: Even though you can write the short version: The Jones � house - it is still pronounced The Jone-ses house.
Many of my students have names that end with S and they put the apostrophe behind the S. That way they avoid " S inflation"!!!
forgot one more: plural The children �s bedroom or bedrooms.
3 Oct 2009

alien boy
I haven �t come across that pronunciation rule (Jones � being pronounced Jones-es) before.
Might it be an Americanism rather than a universal English pronunciation?
I �d love some comment from other native speakers as to their experience!
Cheers, AB
p.s. Here´s a link to Learning English/BBC World Service that supports my thought about the pronunciation recommended as being a local variation:
4 Oct 2009