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Hi Mar!
Why don �t you use PREFECT?
Look what Macmillan Dictionary say about it:
in some schools in the U.K., an older student who controls the activities of younger students and helps them to obey the rules
Or might be you �ll prefer MONITOR:
someone who checks to see that something is done fairly or correctly.
a school student who helps a teacher with a particular job.
Best regards,
Angie |
8 Oct 2009
Dear Andreia, I don �t think "inspector" would work here in this case. I think I �d go for superintendent... until now, it �s the closest translation to what I need. Thank you! |
8 Oct 2009
Dear Angie, thank you for your help!.... Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! such a hard decision!!!! ha ha ha!!! PREFECT = 1 point, SUPERINTENDENT = 1 point. Now all I need to decide is WHICH to use!!! |
8 Oct 2009
Dear Angie, thank you for your help!.... Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! such a hard decision!!!! ha ha ha!!! PREFECT = 1 point, SUPERINTENDENT = 1 point. Now all I need to decide is WHICH to use!!! |
8 Oct 2009
Hi people.... I would say the equivalent is "dean". |
8 Oct 2009
alien boy
Inspector would be okay. An �Inspector � is also a police rank. There used to be a senior public servant called �Inspector General � - the last time I heard that as a title in Australia it was related to the postal service, & that was many, many years ago (the position was renamed probably around the time I was born in the 1960 �s) so I feel it is very old fashioned.
Most English & Australians I know would relate �inspector � as being a police officer because that is (I feel) the most common relationship of that word to a government official.
A �prefect � or a �monitor � would be a member of the student body (as the word is generally applied in relation to education in England & Australia) so it would not seem correct for an official in education in either country. That �s just my experience, though.
Cheers AB
p.s. If we were in ancient Rome then �Prefect� would be perfectly appropriate, because they were senior officials!
8 Oct 2009
TO ALL: Thank you so much for your feed-back on this issue, you �re such a great bunch!!!
Gaby, thanks for your suggestion, I had also thought of "Dean" but not quite comfortable with it... but I �m still considering it, though. Thanks again, ESL GANG!!! |
8 Oct 2009
alien boy
Gaby - a dean is usually a senior executive in a specific School or Educational Institute, or again, that �s my experience of the word as it is used. Universities usually have Deans in charge of specific faculties & administrative areas. I haven �t heard it used in governmental positions as they relate to education.
8 Oct 2009
Thank you, Charmed One!!! I �ve got a few minutes more to keep "chewing on it", like we say in Spanish!!!
Mextesol: Yep! I �ve already got my eye on Cancun!!!!
8 Oct 2009
alien boy
With regard to the dictionary definition... it doesn �t necessarily show the common usage of the word.
for example...
1. A high administrative official or chief officer, as:
a. Any of several high military or civil officials in ancient Rome. This is based on historical Latin use & is not a particularly common usage in modern English.
b. The chief of police of Paris, France.
c. A chief administrative official of a department of France. This is a position in France - English is definitely not their first language!
d. The administrator in charge of discipline at a Jesuit school. There are not many Jesuit schools in the English speaking world. England has not been a Catholic country for several centuries (You �d have to go back to the Stewarts & Tudors for that). The Jesuits were an order originating in Spain, if I remember correctly, so many of their institutions & positions would not be based on the English language.
2. A student monitor or officer, especially in a private school. This is the only contemporary common English usage noted in the dictionary definition provided.
Cheers, AB
8 Oct 2009
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