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games with large classes

games with large classes
Hi! Do you think I should try to play games with a class of 33 (noisy) pupils aged 14-15 (29 males and 4 girls) or do you think it is a waste of time? They are false beginners and half of them have problems in English as well as in other subjects
Ps: the classroom is small, no room to move around |
14 Oct 2009

Raquel C. E.
Sure! You can have them work in small groups or individually. There are some games you could try: Bingo, Tic-Tac-Toe (with sentences/vocabulary),Hangman, Boggle (write 4 rows with four lines of letters and allow sts with some time to find as many words as they can, using only the letters you gave them), Stop (in pairs), etc.
Good luck! |
14 Oct 2009

I would find some great board games. You can download lots of them here. All you need is the board and dice Make groups of 4 (push their tables together if possible or stack the up along the wall and let the kids sit on the floor. They can take a pillow from home to sit on. Let them play. If you take different board games - the groups can change boards when finished.
14 Oct 2009

I love teaching large groups! In Japan it is common to have class sizes up to 40 or 50 students. While it is difficult to give personal attention to each student, there are many things you can try to have them looking forward to your classes.
Since I only see my students once a week, I focus on speaking activities.
I put them in groups, which helps, and I try games like:
Interview Bingo,
or anything that gets them talking.
Hope that helps!
Good Luck!
15 Oct 2009

15 Oct 2009