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Message board > REPORTING: it īs just clipart, remove! VS it īs a poster, do not remove
REPORTING: it īs just clipart, remove! VS it īs a poster, do not remove
I don īt know if this is a moderators � thread only. I shall proceed, then.
If I īm allowed to say, I have downloaded some posters, some cute stickers and lovely bookmarks. I like this childish side of myself. Showed them to others.Everybody at my school asked me for a copy. I offered my sts. bookmarks and stickers, for some kind of improvement I also made some posters of some worksheets, remember one in particular, that one on interesting facts about butterflies. I just turn an A4 into an A3; with bookmarks, I plastify them, make a hole and put some colour ribbon through it, everything matching, and have no problems at all; and we are not swimming in money in our schools.
I keep downloading some materials, just because I find them interesting and well done; sometimes,just to discuss some issues such as cognitive load theory with my trainees.
We all know that for each rule we make, there will always be an exception, so, no matter how many we make, there will always be some kind of disagreement. Sometimes, even the left side of my brain tells the other and I īm not transcribing the whole thing: "... go watch a movie!" Sometimes one gains, sometimes the other looses. Maybe, I suggest, when the debate gets too long, decide voting, full stop. Democracy is the worst system except for all the others - as a Portuguese sings.
We live in a complex world today. Maybe sometimes, just K.I.S.S. = keep it small and simple.
Best regards to all.
Edit: as a matter of fact, threre are sevral tipes/sizes of sticker paper. We can make many stickers out of an A4 size. I use them on tests (after being corrected), pic dictionaries, and every other projects they come up with, but,as you said in the other thread about a song, it depends on the ss� age. |
17 Oct 2009
What about this one? Is it allowed? This is only clipart to me.. but maybe I īm wrong..
17 Oct 2009
@Samantha: I īd say it īs a flashcard - poster. I use these WSS when examinating my kids. For example: "point color blue" or pointing myself "What color is this?" Very young kids really need these WSS. You could say that it can be done by the teacher himself but I thought this site īs point is saving time. And this WS saves my time: I can print it as a flashcard, I can print its B&W version and use it as a pictionary / WS... I īm sure you see my point by now. Young kids need these WSS. So, please, be more careful when reporting WSS that can be very useful for YL ss (this last sentence is not addressed to Samantha, but to everybody)
Good night everybody, I īm off to bed.
18 Oct 2009
Perhaps the songs uploaded for young children, where there are lyrics only, could be accompanied by teaching suggestions in the comments field, or even included on the second page of the WS. I am sure many teachers would find teaching notes helpful. |
18 Oct 2009
As Victor said, we can accept them if they are not copies. Lyrics without activities are mere copy & paste = copies.
18 Oct 2009
I sure see your point Akanah!
I īm sorry then! Thank you for explaining it to me!
Good night!
Pd: I agree with Zailda.. songs really should have some kind of activity to do.. Just some lyrics decorated with cliparts doesn � make it an ESL.. or does it?
18 Oct 2009
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