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Ask for help > prblem that is driving me crazy pls help!!!!
prblem that is driving me crazy pls help!!!!
prblem that is driving me crazy pls help!!!!
i have made a lot of cool worksheets, but my problem is with the size, i tried copy the worksheets to a whole new document but it was still over 2000kb then i tried resizing the pics with an online page for that, still over 1000 so since i figured my problem was the pictures i even tried using pics for another worsheet i downloaded here just to see if that was the problem but still over the 300 limit what else can i do? i havent been able to share my work because i cant add any lines or border to decorate my ws because they always get to big. |
18 Oct 2009
Here you have some help...
18 Oct 2009
I would also suggest you to use RESIZED PICTURES. FIRST resize pictures, then insert them into Word Document - Menu - Insert Picture... Try Free Photo Converter IF you have MANY pictures, you can RESIZE THEM IN SECONDS! Free software to resize any pictures. It resizes hundreds of pictures in 1 click - just choose the folder with pics and resize... It �s fantastic and you can INSERT the resized pictures INTO MW WORD DOCUMENT then... Info here : Download here:
It saves a looot of time !!!!
one suggestion - if you work on the worksheet for some time, the
information about all the changes are increasing the size. BEfore
saving, open a new blank document and copy all to the new document and
save it... It usually saves a looot of space... :-D
If you work with Word 2007, I cannot help you with problems of Word 2007, I am using Word 2002. I had heard about problems with changing DOCX to DOC. The size increases rapidly... :-(
18 Oct 2009
Hi! I had the same kind of problem, and I managed to solve it by converting the pics into the GIF format - the file size instantly went way down. Just cut the picture from your Word document and go to the Edit menu, choose Paste special-GIF, and paste it into the same place. It worked for me, and I thought you might want to try this way to reduce file size. �
18 Oct 2009
If you copy-paste pics from the internet to your ws they are always sooooooooooo much larger than you expect them to be. I did this at first, till alienboy pointed out the difference with saving. You need to save them to your PC, and then try using a freeware to reduce it. I have Irfanview, which is simple to download, free and virus-free. All you have to do is open your saved pic in Irfanview, click on edit, and then resize image (and then write the proportions you need - e. g. 350 or 400 in width is a large ws pic, whereas 150 is quite enough) and you can also click on sharpen once and save the pic as it is then - reduced and sharpened (it reduces 500 KB pics to 45Kb, sometimes more or less, depending on the size. You can also copy the new pic from Irfanview and paste it into your ws. It will be a huge change. Once the desired pic is in your ws, you can delete the original from your PC, there �s no need to clog your PC with all the pics. Hope you try this - it �s really worth it.
Anita |
18 Oct 2009