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jumping pages
Mariethe House
jumping pages
I apologize about the ws I have just sent: Everything should be on one page but I don �t know what happened when I uploaded it: The end jumped to the next page so it looks as if the biography doesn �t have an end!! Sorry!But there is an end.... On the next page!!
18 Oct 2009
This happens sometimes, because of margins and font incompatibilities. However, once you download it, if your PC has the same fonts or margins, everything is OK. Freaks you out though, right? Made me update one of my printables forever, till I finally decided to use simpler fonts (bu-huuuuuuu). I know we can use embeded ones and as pictures, but it takes a lot longer and is more difficult to edit afterwards. Have a nice weekend!
Anita |
18 Oct 2009