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ESLprintables from Around the World
ESLprintables from Around the World
I love this website for a number of reasons, but one of them is that this community is comprised of people from all around the world, all working together to help each other and our students. I�ve been thinking for awhile that it might be fun if we developed a series of worksheets that not only helped our students to learn English, but also taught them something about where we�re all from. If each of us designed a worksheet about where we�re from, we�d have a pretty amazing bunch of material that spanned the globe!
Of course, I figured if I was going to suggest this, I�d better do it first myself. It was harder than I thought, partly because I decided to simultaneously experiment with the 4-skills concept, but I did just upload a worksheet about Seattle, USA. Anyway, I hereby challenge the rest of all you teachers out there to contribute material about where you live!
5 Nov 2008
Hello Sue . I had the same idea in my mind. I am happy that we think alike.
Silvna |
5 Nov 2008
Oh, that�s good to hear! I didn�t think it was an original idea--I figured other people had come up with it before. Frenchfrog brought up the point that many good worksheets about different locations around the world have already been contributed and one just has to search for them. She is right and I became concerned that people would think I was disparaging the fine work that these teachers have already contributed and hope I didn�t offend anyone. I just thought it would be fascinating to have a whole series of worksheets on places around the world besides the major cities and/or countries we always hear about--smaller towns and not-so-well-known cities, neighborhoods of big cities, rural locations, and so on. I was hoping to make mine from an insider�s point of view--a more intimate approach by someone who knows the area well--but it was more difficult than I had thought it would be and I don�t think I quite accomplished it; hopefully you and others can do better.
Anyway, thanks for your support of the idea. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
5 Nov 2008
there are many ws about different places, generally US or UK, more ws on different places would be interesting |
7 Nov 2008