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Grammar question
Grammar question
Could you help with these sentences, please?
Are they in the passive?
Tokyo and Chicago had already been knocked out.
Madrid came out top with 28, followed by Rio on 26.
Thanks a lot for your help... |
18 Oct 2009
Tokyo and Chicago had already been knocked out. Passive
Madrid came out top with 28, followed by Rio on 26. First part active; second one passive.
18 Oct 2009
Mariethe House
The 1st one is but the second is not!
For passive voice, you have to have �be � in some tense or another!In your first sentence, had been + past participle makes the sentence passive. wheras in your second sentence, there is no form of �be �! You will get a better answer , mine is not very developped!Hope it helps a little!
18 Oct 2009
The second one is passive. The verb "be" is omitted: Madrid is followed by Rio
19 Oct 2009
Vivi Quir
Good tere you are absolutely right. There is ellipsis there (omission) |
19 Oct 2009
Olindalima ( F )
Madrid came out top with 28, - Active voice
( Madrid was ) followed by Rio on 26. - passive with the auxiliar verb omitted.
19 Oct 2009