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Make suggestions, report errors > what about a new category for printables?
what about a new category for printables?
what about a new category for printables?
I would like to suggest that there is a new category for printables - exam prep.
I ve been searching for PET prep and found a few interesting things but only after having to go through worksheets about pets, peters, carpets, petrol, trumpets, competitions etc.
I �m grateful for being able to find material here anyway.
5 Nov 2008
I agree with you entirely dawnmain. I prepare for all CambridgeESOL exams from young learners to CPE and I have in mind to prepare worksheets for all levels, but as you know they take a long time to do so I have to organise myself a little! This is a great site and I�m really grateful to my student teacher who introduced me to it. You are a really fantastic group and I feel privileged to be among you. |
5 Nov 2008