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Differences between assessment and testing
Differences between assessment and testing
Could please help me to understand what is the differences between assessment and testing ?
regards, Liza |
20 Oct 2009
Assessment has a wider meaning, because it refers to all your sts abilities, behaviour, talent, skills, study habits, progress, etc. You can assess your sts � abilities using description, your notes, your suggestions, remarks based on events in your classroom, etc.
Testing is when you use a particular test to check your sts � knowledge of a certain aspect of your study material, and tests have points and grading scales, which allows you to measure the knowledge of your sts and grade it in terms of specific numbered/lettered grades, points or percentages.
Anita |
20 Oct 2009
Testing is checking for their mastery of a specific skill. Usually testing will involve correct answers vs. incorrect answers or a definite scale of how well the student has learned the material. A test will be given after new material has been given or taught to the students.
Assessment is more of gauging where the student is at in the learning process. There are a variety of methods that can be used for assessment, testing included. You can assess a student when you first meet them to see what level they are at and where to proceed from there. Ongoing assessment is done in the classroom so that you can teach at a pace that the student can follow. A follow-up or summative assessment will show you how well the student has absorbed the material.
8 Nov 2009