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10 Big Myths about copyright explained
David Lisgo
10 Big Myths about copyright explained
Here is an interesting article about copyright issues, which if taken seriously by all members would certainly reduce the amount of worksheets uploaded and the workload of moderators, but...
21 Oct 2009
Thanks for the link David =) |
21 Oct 2009
Thank you, David. I�ve read through the site. It�s something difficult to deal with, isn�t it? My 1st ?: since � laws differ from country to country, which should apply here?
Guess what I do with my wks:
�ijorge, 2009.
Or �David Lisgo, Japan
or �David Lisgo, Japan, adapted ij
My colleagues� and my wk were being copied all over town, but I managed to scare the scarecrows who make a living on other people�s work. But this wasn�t the real problem.
The real problem was:
-Teacher! I�ve already done this wk! (bored & disapproving of my using my own wk...)
(Who �s getting older here, disguising in a tiny-cute rabbit? 21st already in Lusitania. When I�m 72... soundtrack THE BEATLES edit: OK, I�ll shhhh! Besides, it�s still the 20th in Latin America...)
21 Oct 2009
I really do not know!! (hihi) but shhhh! |
21 Oct 2009