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> Suggestion about stolen worksheets
Suggestion about stolen worksheets
Suggestion about stolen worksheets
I �ve been a member of this site for almost a year now and I have to say that I �m getting tired of all the worksheets that are stolen everyday.
However, there are people that download them anyway (I �d rather think that without knowing they have been stolen). I know that we can report them so that they can be removed but for me it isn �t enough.
I think that the points received by the "thief" because of those downloads should be transferred automatically to the real owner �s account. After all it is his/her work and effort we �re talking about.
It would teach the thief a lesson and would be quite fair for the owner of the stolen contribution. Don �t you agree?. |
21 Oct 2009
David Lisgo
Some people would open two accounts an steal their own worksheets just to gain a few miserable points, so although I share your sentiment, I can �t agree with the idea. |
21 Oct 2009
What a great and feasible idea!! Some people steal and upload the worksheet again without changing even a dot, as if it was their own!! Your idea would be great for such situations. But what about those who only take (let �s say) the layout and put their own exercises? Can we claim the points to be transferred to the owner of the original ws??? I am not sure.. |
21 Oct 2009
That idea could nead to a new way of cheating.
Imagine that I have a worksheet that gave me 15 points the first day of publication. Now I create a new account and upload the same worksheet again. It would be removed, but the points would be sent to my original account. |
21 Oct 2009
So Victor, why don�t you try to do what I suggested in a pm I sent you a few days ago? I think that the best solution would be to block the downloads as soon as a ws is reported. I�m not an expert in computers but I guess this can�t be that difficult and I guess reported worksheets could be automatically blocked once they are reported. If the worksheet was reported unfairly and was among the everyday contributions, it could become active again the following day, keeping the downloads the ws had had till the moment it was reported.
I also want to ask you something. How many times is a member allowed to steal before his/her account is cancelled? In today�s reported worksheets I have seen a member who stole two worksheets a couple of days ago and another one today. At least it is the third time he has done and the third time he gets away with it. Besides, he/she has enough points to download the 30 free daily contributions. Is this fair? Shouldn�t members who steal wss from other people have their accounts cancelled immediately? I�m really getting tired of this constant stealing and think something more should be done apart from the work moderators have revising and voting for or against the removal of the reported wss.
Have a nice day/evening. Hugs.
Katiana |
21 Oct 2009
I �m just amazed at how cunning people can be!! It �s hard to stay one step ahead of the crooks!
21 Oct 2009
I completely agree with Katiana, stolen wss should be blocked for download and be available the next day if they aren �t removed. Is it possible?
21 Oct 2009
Would it be possible to imagine that we see the comments first when we open a ws ? This way when we downloaded it, we would know beforehand that it �s been stolen. And moreover, nobody could says they didn �t know it was stolen. Just a thought, it might not be technically possible. |
21 Oct 2009
Dear Froggy.claudine and all dear participants in this thread:
I �ve seen some ugly comments on worksheets which are perfectly OK, just for the sake of cyberbullying
Some of those comments addressed to young people can be rather hurtful, it �s really heartbreaking.
I �d rather take the risk of downloading a worksheet that I have to throw away later, when our dear moderators decide it �s to be removed, than judge a wk on other people �s comments.
As Victor & David have stated, in my own words, cheaters always find their way to cheating.
I�d prefer some kind of blocking an account for some days, whenever our dear moderators decide some wk must be removed and a sound word of advice, if it�s really cheating what we are dealing with. That sound word of advice would be automattically delivered and this is possible, I think. Even a system of black points... 10 black points, you�re out! Even then... way back to D & V�s arguments.
This is what I think.
My best regards to all. |
21 Oct 2009
I think the idea of transferring the points to the real owner, in case there is one, because sometimes the ws �s are taken from other sites, is great.
I agree with Victor when he says some people would use this as a means to get more points. However, I think it is better than giving all those points to someone who is not the ws �s author.
Apart from that, my suggestion is that all recurrent "problem IP �s", you know what I mean, should be blocked. Victor says he is afraid some innocent people could be banned unintentionally, because some, or perhaps a lot of, teachers access the site from school. Anyways, I still think this is a very good solution. Could Victor make a survey online to check this out? Something like: Where do you access ESLPrintables from? and Are there other people who also acess ESLPrintable from the same pc?
I like Nixadixon �s idea, too. I think that these IP �s should be blocked for at least some days, and for recurrent problems with such an IP, blocking it for more days, gradually increasing the number of days suspended. Like, first time: 7 days, second time: 30 days, third time: forever? =P
Also, isn �t there any way for the site to recognize double/identical materials? So that is would block it immediately. I know that must demand much more effort and programming, but I suppose it can be done.
P.S.: Sorry if there are any (or many) mistakes. I was writing fast, cause I have to leave for class now! Hehe.
21 Oct 2009
I have to acknowledge the argument of people being banned unintentionally + teachers access the site from school + solution affecting innocent people is quite sensible.
I was not talking about banning. Banning is for cyberbullies, if it becomes recurrent and too distressful to the community. (Edit: We can handle some cyberbullying, it just doesn�t look too good at the forum for visitor/newcomers to watch; it�s to be seen here more often than in other CoP, just because it�s such a big CoP and there is less social control).
An algorithmic solution of black balls collected + time out, as if we �re dealing with speeding... you �re speeding too much towards the wrong dir... it wouldn �t be so hurtful, considering Victor �s argument (he �s the site �s owner).
Best wishes.
ij(nikadixon) |
21 Oct 2009