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Message board > What īs the sweetest thing....
What īs the sweetest thing....
I teach adults. A few years ago a class was taking a B1 exam at the end of a three-year course. The exam was long and complex and they were all very busy writing. Among them there was a gentleman in his sixities, a warm hearted man from the south of Italy. He was always cheerful and loved my classes, although his English was far from perfect :-) He was busy writing , like the other students. They finally handed in their papers and I went home. The next day I found out that instead of writing the letter which was one of the exam items, he had written a letter to me. He was saying that he didn īt care for exams and grades, but his biggest reward had been to learn something new from a teacher he admired and respected. His letter was full of grammar mistakes, but I still have it in my drawer.
22 Oct 2009
It īs been great hearing about your experiences! Thanks for sharing!
23 Oct 2009
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