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Ask for help > how poetic are you ?
how poetic are you ?
how poetic are you ?
strings on the earth and air by james Joyce.what is the message coveyed by the poem .
23 Oct 2009
Carla Horne
Hi Akram73,
Without researching the poem, I would say it �s about music not only being a part of nature but also a part of life. Water has always been symbolic for life in that it appears to be ageless, and trees symbolize wisdom in that they can last for hundreds of years. I hope that helps.
Carla |
23 Oct 2009
alien boy
The poem is a personification of Love as a male. Nature is full of music & love - e.g. the meeting willows in the poem. Willows are also symbols of unrequited love (& also lechery in Shakespeare �s day, anyway). To me the poem is talking about love as part of nature - that it is all around us but not in a loud, raucous, overpowering way but a soft, gentle, caressing ever-present way. A melody that enfolds & envelops us like a gentle zephyr.
Just my view! AB
24 Oct 2009