Dear Mahalo & all,
I agree with Julieta, in a certain way; however, there is something more than weared in this message, dear Mahalo & Julieta.
1)If a member thinks that another member�s contribution is poor;
2) If a member means well & figures he/she should give some suggestions to help the other improve;
Then, this member will suggest politely & gently : I suggest ... (I did it myself a couple of times, no need - for me -to model at the forum, though; besides we all know how to write a proper suggestion.
So, I don �t think there is a lesson to learn from in the message, except for what shouldn �t be done, when we address another member of a community.
The example you give is a simple example cyberbullying, having in mind the number of question marks added.
Look: it�s quite different:
Just this? / Just this??????? (seven ?)
Even though Just this? wouldn� help much of what sould be added, would it?
And cyberbullying is not to be explained or excused in a CoP based on the Internet. I guess there are more adequate ways of nurturing a community, aren�t there?
Some members here are quite a good example of how to nurture the community and I believe we all could learn from them.
I also think it shouldn�t be ignored either, since:
1) I guess nobody would like to have such a comment added to his/her work;
2) If we don�t approve of something being done, it seems a pretty good reason not to do it to others, I guess.
Having written this, I just would like to ask:
Dear Susan Brown, do you think you could improve nurturing - and empowering - this unique community, leaving fairer and more enlightening comments on other members� contributions?
(the message has been edited: a suggestion to Dear Susan has been added to my initial post)
Have you all a good day.ij